
1984 George Orwell Language Analysis

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One goal for people in life is to be the strongest they can be in all aspects of their lives. One way this can be accomplished is by being more powerful than others, controlling everything others do. This is the main tactic of the Party, a totalitarian government found in the fictitious country known as Oceania in George Orwell’s 1984. The Party is able to have complete control over Oceania’s residents by watching over everything the residents do and say, by torturing anyone who doesn’t cooperate with the Party’s rules, and by creating false information to ensure the Party’s power is strong. The Party rules over its residents by surveilling everything and everyone in Oceania. One way the Party accomplishes this is with the use of …show more content…

One way this is done is by Oceania having its own language called “Newspeak” (Orwell 56). Newspeak eliminated all words that could create turmoil within Oceania. Due to this language manipulation, Oceania advances by changing the future as well as fixing the past so its younger members will have no recollection of previous corrupt information. According to Adams, “The media demands that you focus on the NOW but forget the past. No historical context is allowed to be recognized (or even taught to Americans) because it might interfere with the crisis of the now” (Adams 4). Some people believe that this same tactic was used in reference to the catastrophe of the twin towers on 9/11. “Architects, engineers, and scientists say that the official story is physically impossible” (Roberts 12). All of these experts have examined the debris of the twin towers, the physics, and trajectory of the planes which lead to their conclusion. This insinuates that the U.S. government withheld some information regarding what really happened on 9/11. This conspiracy theory of 9/11 can be compared to the tactics of the Party’s Newspeak in 1984. The Party’s main plan is to control all of Oceania under a totalitarian society. This is maintained by the Party watching over everything that is done and said in Oceania, by torturing any rebels, and by creating false information. Seeing how 1984 concluded, it is questionable as to why Americans were frightened of the events found in 1984, yet we are now constantly watched over by telescreens of our own, and we are perfectly fine with it. Instead, people need to rethink America’s advancements in technology by focusing on the benefit of the society, not the detriment of our

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