
1968 Pivotal Year

Decent Essays

“1968 is often called a pivotal year for America. Was 1968 ‘pivotal’? Why or why not”. Yes, 1968 year was pivotal year for America. Meaning of pivotal is of “crucial importance”. 1968 is often called “pivotal year”, since 3 critical events took place, which completely changed the life of Americans both politically and socially. The Vietnam war was at its peak while Americans began to protest against war. Later, Martin Luther King Jr. leader of civil rights moment and Robert Kennedy who stood for presidential election of 1968 was assassinated same year which shook the life of Americans. Also, racial unrest in big cities along with government’s response to violent bloody riots that evolved at Democratic National Convention in Chicago had changed …show more content…

It was largest campaign of Vietnam war and since it took place on the day of Tet, it is called “Tet Offensive”. All the major cities including provincial capital Hue had suffered a major loss. In Saigon, communist invaded government institutions, American embassy and killed the people. Americans were shocked to watch such events on television which withdrew their support for war. Most sensational incident that took place in Saigon was shooting mercilessly the head of South Vietnamese officer by Viet Cong soldier. America Pacification policy of “Winning Hearts and Minds” now had seemed absurd. Even though later American soldiers defeated Vietcong from the areas they had captured in the war, this incidence had resulted in mass casualties and weakened the communist. Tet Offensive lasted for about one month. Meanwhile, General Westmoreland guaranteed that the enemy was defeated. But reality was completely different. This distrust brought a major to shift in the support of Johnson’s administration. War seemed to be not even close to victory. Even though Tet Offensive was military victory for America, ultimate victory was for communist both in terms of political and psychological. Thus, Tet offensive was critical event that took place at the starting of year of …show more content…

He was assassinated in the balcony of the motel on April 4 by James Earl Ray. Upon hearing the news of King being murdered, national racial riots erupted in major cities which led to mass casualties of injured people. President Johnson declared a national day of mourning. Kings dream was to provide racial equality but his death brought changes in civil rights movement. Kings death also impacted in passing of Fair Housing Act by Congress which prevented real state agent from discriminating for properties. (Excerpt from Terry Anderson, The Sixties,

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