
1960s Drugs Essay

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Drugs prior to the new millenia were becoming more prominent as decades pass. In the 1960s drugs, specifically marijuana was primarily used by jazz musicians and hip characters in the inner cities, this was known as the beat generation. As the late 1960s progressed into the early 1970s the war on drugs had begun. To be specific in 1971 President Richard Nixon declared war on drugs. As the war on drugs progressed through the 1970s and grew into the 1980s many different drugs surfaced and reared their ugly heads and caused the drug panic. In the 1990s the war on drugs hadn’t been won or lost but was eventually slowed down into where the use of drugs came down to a minimum.
In the 1960s drugs, specifically marijuana was primarily used by jazz …show more content…

By the mid-80s, the introduction of crack cocaine turned youth drug use into a truly terrifying issue. Crack was cheap, plentiful and hideously addictive. Its effects, including gang warfare and crack babies, were quickly gaining notoriety. A 1986 Gallup poll asked Americans, "Which one of the following do you think is the MOST serious problem for society today: Marijuana, alcohol abuse, heroin, crack, other forms of cocaine or other drugs?" At 42%, "crack" and "other forms of cocaine" beat "alcohol abuse" by eight percent even though there are far more alcoholics than crack addicts according to Gallup incorporated. By the last decade of the millennium, it appeared that fewer people were using drugs. According to Gallup polls, it showed little change in the percentage of adults who said they had used marijuana. Thirty-four percent of Americans said they had tried it in a 1999 poll. According to the Gallup Youth Survey, however, the percentage of teens admitting to marijuana use also continued to drop, from thirty-eight percent in 1981 to twenty percent in 1999. PDFA reported that teens' "trial" use of marijuana, inhalants, methamphetamines, LSD and for the first time cocaine, had declined in

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