
1940 To 1975 Dbq Essay

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During the rise of women’s rights movement in the time period of 1940 to 1975 they have been discriminated by inequalities of gender roles. Although women were proving to society that they work just as hard as men, they still were not treated as equal. In World War 1 and 2 a majority of men were gone due to the war so women took over but were still rated as less than a man. Along with this the the nineteenth amendment came to place giving women the right to vote. This was their time to accomplish more things that they wanted which is to be able to decide and do things and not be left out based on their sex. Propaganda followed the women for how they should work. In 1942 the royal typewriter company, a manufacturer of typewriters headquartered in New York City with its factory in Hartford, created a propaganda poster, “Victory Waits On Yours Fingers. Keep Em Flying Miss U.S.A”, that was made to encourage women to find a job out of home during the war (doc 1). Seeing this as a powerful message they felt as that they should step up and take initiative. The purpose for the poster was to symbolize that they enjoyed working for the society and used their time, energy, and their lives for it to help the men. During this time of war a bill was …show more content…

For a long time education was a huge issue for women. They wanted to further their education to have a better career. They wanted to have equal education and financial assistance just like men and that is what the Title IX is for. Title IX, created by United States Congress, was an educational amendment making education be equal to women as they are to men and can not be discriminated by sex (doc 5). This amendment was signed by Richard Nixon and it was protection against educational programs. It also forbid programs to deny women to join such as sports, schools, and financial assistance. Women should have the right to do as they

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