
1800s Dbq Essay

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The expansion of United States in the 1800s brought people together but it all also tore people apart. In 1783 the United States only had part of what it had before it bought the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and Oregon Country in 1846. (Doc. 1) It took around 63 years for it expand from the original 13 colonies all the way to the Pacific Ocean. (Doc. 1)The purchase of Louisiana was the biggest purchase the United States had conquered doubling its size. This purchase gave the United States more to discover and it also gave more land for cattle, crops, and for people to grow on their own. The expansion brought more people and better opportunities but it also brought the power of government into question on whether what was better for America …show more content…

People move to the west because there were opportunities of mining for gold and more farmland but there wouldn’t be those opportunities without the Manifest Destiny. Although farming brought more inventions which expanded the way people farmed and mass produce food, and also the mining of gold made people think that they were going to become rich which moved them farther west to settle, it was all because of the Manifest Destiny. The Manifest Destiny gave people the idea that they were the greatest and that it was there responsibility to expand their country.
The Manifest Destiny was supported because it gave people the idea that if they had more land then they were powerful. (Doc. 4) People really supported the idea of the Manifest Destiny because it was a way to have more freedom from the government and not be watch at all times.
The Manifest Destiny was really focused in on the Texas Territory. The Texas Territory was a piece of land that the Confederacy wanted because they believe that it would give them more political power since the Louisiana Purchase didn’t give them much land in the south. Texas was to form an essential part to the Manifest Destiny. (Doc. 3) Americans truly believed in this destiny but they believed that there set destiny was to share there freedom of being self governed. Though there were some Americans that did not believe that the Manifest Destiny was a true

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