
16th Street Baptist Church Bombing Essay

Decent Essays

On the early morning of Sunday, September 15th 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama four members of the KKK planted a minimum of 15 sticks of dynamite under the steps of the 16th Street Baptist church, close to the basement. At 10:22 a.m. the 16th Street Baptist Church received a phone call from an anonymous man who simply said “Three minutes,” before hanging up. Less than a minute of the call, the bombs exploded as there were five children present within the basement of the church. Out of the 5 children who were in the basement 4 of them died from the explosion 14 year old Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, and 11 year old Carol Denise McNair. More than 20 other additional people were injured in the explosion, one of them being Sarah

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