
1 Peter 2: 1-8: The First Letter Of Peter

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Brendan Tersolo Mr. Wolter Scripture 2 (G) 7 June, 2018 1 Peter 2:1-10 The First Letter of Peter is part of the Epistles, and is one of the Catholic letters. The author of this letter is not known. It is not thought to be Peter because the author of this letter quoted the Greek Septuagint. If Peter, the former Galilean fisherman, was the author, he likely would have quoted the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible. The author also alludes to the persecution of Christian which was after Peter’s time, meaning it would have been written likely between A.D. 70-90. Other modern critics say a possible author could have been Peter’s secretary, Silvanus, because secretaries would often write down the thoughts in their own literary style, and the persecutions mentioned …show more content…

This influenced what the author of the letter had to say because he or she needed to help the Christians who were suffering stick to their values and be faithful with suffering. The author also was influenced by this suffering to make sure that these Christian down use the suffering they are facing as an excuse to do evil. This passage from the First Letter of Peter to the Christians tells a great deal about humanity’s relationship with one another when we take a look at what was happening in the lives of the Christians in Asia Minor, and Christians everywhere. The passage very clearly shows how much lust is in humanity rather than love, which is giving what is truly good and accepting other for who they are. Lust, which is rejecting and taking brought up by the author in this passage when they say, “Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the sight of God” (New Testament 364). Right from the passage we see lust in the humans rejecting God’s people. God’s people are challenged to be loving to all, even those who are lustful towards them.

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