1. Cell cultures and Cadmium treatment
In this experiment, Arabidopsis thaliana is used. Its cell suspension is cultured weekly by tenfold dilution. It contains 100ml fresh growth medium, 4.3g/L Murashige and Skoog basal salt mixture which is the mixture of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate, naphthaleneacetic acid, and kinetin. The salt mixture is then adjusted to its optimum pH. Cell cultures are incubated at 23C where the light and dark intensity are controlled. For this experiment, 16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark. Filter sterilized cadmium (Cd) chloride are used as its treatment. The concentration were manipulated from 0, 50, 100, 200, or 300 M. analysis of growth rate was done by taking out aliquots of 10mL at every several hours
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Proteomic analysis, dark-grown and light-grown cells were treated with 200µM of CdCl2 or with equal volume of water as controls. Each treatment is replicated four times, which has 16 samples in total. The gels were imaged using Typhoon 9400 and analyzed by using DeCyder software. This software can generate the whole ratio of the gel. It uses the standardized spot abundance for statistical analysis. There will be spots of protein, but only ones that were treated with Cd was considered differently expressed protein.
4. Preparative gel electrophoresis and protein identification
350 of each sample are loaded on the gel. Based on Genomic Solutions, once fixing the changes of fresh 40% methanol and 10% glacial acetic acid for every 12 hour each, the gels were stained for 12 hours with Sypro Ruby solution in the dark. The gels were incubated in 10% methanol: 6% acetic acid for 4 hours for destaining procedure. The gels are the imaged by using ProPick Workstation. Triangulation and robotic excision are conducted for identification of protein spots. It was then submitted to tandem mass spectrometric analysis.
5. Measurement of lipid peroxidation and Cd content
Lipid peroxidation and cellular Cd content analysis were performed on treated cells for 72 hour with 200µM CdCl2. Cellular malondialdehyde was used as an indicator for lipid peroxidation. Calculation of amount of thiobarbituric acid reaction substance was done by determining the difference in optical density at
The following results helped obtain the haplogroup that in which the sequence of mtDNA would identify. The PCR reaction worked, and this can be determined by looking at the agarose gel in figure 1. If the PCR reaction was successful, than a band should appear around 550bp. Individual AC displays a band around 550bp, this means the PCR reaction was successful. The band for individual AC, depicts a low concentration of product, because the band faint. After the purification process the concentration, A260/280 ratio, and A260/A230 ratio were determined by using the nanodrop. The concentration of mtDNA in the product was 60.9 ng/uL. The ratio for A260/280 was 1.79 and the ratio for A260/230 was 0.77. The A260 and 280 are a spectrometer measurement that measure absorbance at wavelengths of
Protein Assay: The Pierce BCA Protein Assay (Thermo Scientific) is a detergent-compatible formulation based on bicinchoninic acid (BCA) for the colorimetric detection and quantitation of total protein concentration. A series of standard solution of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) ranging from 0-2000 µg/ml was prepared from a stock solution of 2 mg/ml BSA. 25ul of diluted crude (1:500, 1:250), desalted (1:100, 1:50), and 6 peak fractions from cibarcon blue column (1:10, 1:5) were loaded in microplate along with 175ul of BCA working reagent. Microplate was incubated for 30min at 370C and then the absorbance was measured at 562nm.
This was completed with over 65 tissue samples from various locations. The analysis was performed with quantitative PCR, using fluorescent signals.
The proteins were visualized using the Coomassie Blue stain. Coomassie Blue binds non-specifically and nearly stoichiometrically to all proteins [5]. Proteins have a higher affinity to the dye than the polyacrylamide gel; therefore, after removing excess stain, the protein bands can be visualized [4]. This non-selective binding was essential for analyzing the purity in each invertase fraction, as both non-target proteins and invertase were visualized. As shown in Fig. 1., excluding invertase fraction 2, the general trend was that the number of protein bands decreased from fractions 1 to 4, while a band with a molecular weight around 1.2 x 102 kDa became more prominent and intense. These results were expected for a successful purification [4]. During experiment 6, it was observed that the specific activity increased during each successive fraction. Since the same amount of protein, from each invertase
Main compounds of the enzymatic antioxidant system are three, namely, SOD, CAT and tT which have an important role in detoxifying of H2O2 and superoxide anion in cells. Ample of hepatotoxic drugs induces the liver damage by lipid peroxidation indirectly or directly. The proxy radicals are main factors that mediate lipid peroxidation leading to liver injury and kidney damage(41). MDA as a main reactive aldehyde appears during polyunsaturated fatty acid peroxidation in the biological
The magnesium sulfate was applied to the experimental group by putting epsom salts in the water, and applying the water to arabidopsis like it is being watered normally. The data was collected in this experiment was measured by using a ruler to measure the size of the rosette leaves
This experiment demonstrates the effects of pH on the rate of photosynthesis by examining the behavior of leaf disks in different pH solutions under light. In this experiment, we used five different pH levels: pH 5, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8 and pH 9. These solutions were created using a combination of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Spinancia olcerea or spinach, leaves were used in the experiment to examine the effects of pH on the rate of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis was measured by counting the number of leaf disks that rose to the surface of the solution after each minute. In acidic solutions, the rate of photosynthesis increased while in basic solutions, the rate of photosynthesis decreased.
In order to properly determine the sizes (kilobase pairs) and concentrations (ng/ul) of two unknown DNA samples, several laboratory techniques were performed. Each unknown DNA sample was diluted with 6x buffer in three different volumes, which created six loads in total [1]. AGE was used for DNA fragment separation
Sample preparation: purified protein and cell lysate have been already and denatured in Laemmli sample buffer and are in His-tagged DHFR, GST-tagged DHFR, Myc-Flag-tagged DHFR aliquots. Control lysate is provided by TA. Wear goggles before to hreat samples for 2 minutes at 95˚C. Centrifuge samples and load gel at room temperature. Obtain an aliquot of the each of the following: 1X Laemmli buffer and Kaleidoscope prestained protein standard (Bio-Rad
The chemical and reagents used for the extraction and quantitation of DNA were: Plant DNAzol (0.3ml/0.1g), 100% ethanol (100%: 0.225 ml/0.1 g, 75%: 0.3 ml/0.1 g), Chloroform (0.3 ml/0.1 g), Plant DNAzol-ethanol solution: Plant DNAzol, 100% ethanol (1:0.75 v/v), TE buffer (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0), 1.2% agarose gel (Agarose, 1X TAE buffer), 6X loading buffer (glycerol, Tris/EDTA pH 8.0, ethidium bromide), .25X TAE buffer, Restriction enzymes and Restriction endonuclease buffers. All the chemicals used were quality grade. The restriction
This essay based on the principle of real time PCR which uses CYBR green dye that combines to any double stand DNA. This process included two maim steps. The first step was designing of HSV-1 primer and /or HSV-2 primer (we have chosen only HSV-1). BioEdit software has been used to edit the nuclide sequences where necessary. After that the primer has been ordered. The second step was in the laboratory which included applying the HSV-1 primers to real time PCR protocol. The final results of this protocols aim to demonstrate the quality of HSV-1 primer that we have designed by interpretation three criteria. These are specificity, efficiency and
The oxidation of 2, 7- dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) originates 2-7- dichlorofluroescein (DCF), a flurorescent compound initially thought to be a useful indicator for H2O2.DCFH is oxidized by other ROS such as HOº and ROOº. To investigate the antioxidant activities of bacosides and Bacopa monnieri extracts, intracellular ROS of the cells were estimated using DCFHDA. In present study, to examine the protective effects of bacosides and Bacopa monnieri extracts, neuro cells were post treated with the bacosides and Bacopa monnieri extracts upon H2O2 exposed cells. Results were observed that fluorescence intensity of the DCFH decreased in N2a cells treated with bacosides and Bacopa monnieri extracts compared to H2O2 treated cell (Fig. ). It was observed that bacosides A that is a mixture of four compound is less protective compared to individual bacosides. The present study investigated that among four individual bacosides, bacoside A3 is more protective and significantly decrease the production of ROS in N2a cells. As well as Bacopa monnieri extracts of different culture condition was also observed to decrease the ROS production in N2a cells. MS- liquid culture condition extract is more protected compared to MS agar and field acclimatized Bacopa monnieri extracts.
The present research was conducted to study the physio-biochemical responses in mentholmint types that differ in Cd tolerance and to analyse the effectiveness of three plant growth regulator application. In general, kushal had higher growth, photosynthesis, constitutive mineral nutrient contents, antioxidant enzymes activity, more Cd concentration in roots and less in leaves than kosi. Comparatively SA application maximally induced these activities in both the cultivars, but to a greater extent in kushal.
Philip White is an American scientist, he worked at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in Princeton, New Jersey in 1930s. He created an experiment system, in order to study the metabolism in a completely undifferentiated tissue, which all the cells are the same and exert a similar influences on one another. He defined plant tissue culture as a system in which cells pleased two main requirements of remaining “undifferentiated yet capable of unlimited growth”, (White, 1939). Before this, the requirements are not being satisfied when growing plants parts, that been isolated from the organism but it failed due to microbial contamination, not enough nutrient media, poor selection of tissue to culture and many more reasons.
A crude whey sample and a purified *-lactalbumin sample were prepared for SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis by mixing 20 µL of each sample with µL of the reducing gel buffer in Eppendorf tubes. These two samples were then boiled for 5 minutes and then allowed to cool to room temperature. A precast gel was inserted into the gel running apparatus and the comb was removed. Consequently, a 10x stock solution of tank buffer was diluted tenfold and added to middle of the chamber until it covered the gel. Then, * µL of crude whey sample was added to well 10 and the purified sample was pipetted into well 4. A standard MW ladder was loaded into well 1 of the gel. The remaining buffer was poured into the bottom the tank. The top was placed and the gel was then run at a constant 150 V for ***. After running the gel, it was removed from the apparatus and was rinsed several times with water. To fix the gel, it was rocked in a container with 50 mL of water and 1 mL of glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes. The glutaraldehyde mixture was decanted and enough gel code stain to cover the gel was added to the container. The container was