
1.07 Creative Writing

Decent Essays

The curiosities that revolve around this event infatuate me. The night of the occurrence I knew something was off, I was petrified. I lied awake that night trying to remove my mind from the agonizing fear that crippled me, giving myself countless alternative reasons for the sounds that rudely awoke me. This man that did this to me was not a stranger, I spoke to him many times throughout the week and he was consistently kind, maybe it was part of his plan, so I wouldn’t suspect it. He was a regular acquaintance that I consistently interacted with, to me he wouldn’t ever hurt a fly, but that night, seconds before my death, I saw alarmingly unfamiliar resentment from the way he looked at me. I knew the noises weren’t the crickets. I hoped that …show more content…

Although, I can never be revived, I hope he realizes what he has done, and what he has taken from me as a result of his own mental instability. I can’t imagine the pain my grandchildren will feel when they find out that their grandfather won’t make it to their birthday this year because someone selfishly robbed them. I can’t imagine the pain my children will feel when they figure out that there will be no more family barbeques on Saturday anymore. My son can’t even bring himself to use the grill anymore, or drive past my house where the incident occurred. It’s now the day of my funeral, I am surrounded by everyone who loves me, and they’re all crying, saying this never should have happened and that the person who did this will pay. There’s a rumor going around town saying that he had some form of mental illness, something was mentioned of schizophrenia, or paranoia. Instead of going to jail, he went to a mental asylum. Long ago, I took psychology, and so I am educated and aware of the power and influence they have over …show more content…

He says he’s doing this to himself to try and punish himself the way he punished me. I wish I could tell him that I forgive him, and that it’s not his fault. Part of me is still angry, but not at him. I wanted to live to see my grandchildren graduate pre-school. At least I lived as much as I could when I was alive, but the thought of getting to live to see more, never relents to haunt me. I want nothing more than for my family to forgive him, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because they deserve to be set free. I see the way they punish themselves, they think maybe if they would have checked on me more than it wouldn’t have happened, but truth is, there’s nobody here to blame. I have forgiven him, and they should too. Holding onto to anger only hurts them, I wish I was there to tell them. If I could go back and say anything, to the man that killed me, I would say to forgive themselves, that he was acting according to circumstances that were out of his control. I would tell my children to forgive him because he couldn’t prevent it and that I have forgiven

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