
0-3 Stages Of Child Development

Better Essays

Development stages 0-3 years Physical From 0-3 children develop from babies into the stage of infancy. For the first three months after birth babies are able to respond the voice of their mother. Slowly babies then begin to create a strong bond with their mother. They are then able to start using their main reflexes these reflexes are walking, grasping, Moro and walking. The reflex they are able to use straight away is the grasping reflex. Babies are then also able to hold on to their mother’s fingers tightly and are soon able to lift up their own weight by using force when gripping to their mother’s fingers. The rooting reflex comes naturally when someone touches babies on the cheek as they would respond to this by turning heads to the …show more content…

Another reason why barriers may not be overcome is because sometimes parents may be in denial and do not like to come to terms that there may be a barrier which is why they may not want to contact any agencies for help. Another reason may be culture as some people take culture very strongly and make feel they are being weak and may be talked about if they contact agencies or ask for help, because of this they may avoid trying to overcome any barriers or contacting …show more content…

Skinner was an American psychologist who mostly worked with pigeons and rats to discover some of the key principles of learning new behaviour. Skinner used a very famous device which is called a skinner box. The box contains a lever which when pressed released a food pallet into the box so reinforcing lever presser behaviour. When the rat is placed into the box it will run around, sniff the different items and will then press the lever which will release a food pallet. After a bit when the rat has performed the action repeatedly, it will learn that this behaviour (pressing the lever) is automatically followed by the food pallet being released. There are two types of reinforcement and they are negative and positive reinforcement. Pavlov evidence based approach Evidence based approaches are influenced by evidence based on research. Everyday practice can help influence an evidence based decision. When considering a evidence based approach research and findings need to be kept up to date with as findings will help show the best possible results and choices. Evidence based approach at my work setting has shown that children who have attended nursery’s during their early years have developed more social skills as well as behavioural skills and cognitive skills as these have been developed through their early years at

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