Sats lab 1



Nightingale College *

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Jul 1, 2024





Uploaded by ProfOctopusMaster131

Jose Lazo STAT 212 Spring 2023 Lab 1 1/22/2023 Problem 1: The file “rdu-weather-history.csv” contains weather observations from the Raleigh-Durham International Airport over the course of 30 years. Using JASP, answer the following questions. 1. How many observations are there? In the data set containing weather observations from the Raleigh-Durham International airport over the course of 30 years are a total of 600 observations. 2. List 3 numeric and 3 categorical variables. Numeric Variables Categorical variables Max temp Fog Min temp Rain Fastest 5sec wind speed Snow 3. Make and include a histogram of the average windspeed data and report the mean average wind speed by using the Descriptives window. Note that the windspeed reported for each date is the average wind speed of that day.
4. Compute the mean precipitation and maximum temperature and report those values. You do not need to include histograms for these. Mean max temp 73.278 Mean precipitation 0.122 5. What are the advantages to using JASP when doing these calculations? (Think about how you would calculate the means by hand.) The advantages of using Jasp when doing all of these calculations is that it helps us decrease the risks of the probability of missing a number in our data set and not have it be as accurate as we would want it to be. Problem 2: The file “dietstudy.csv” contains the weight (in grams) of chicks 21 days after hatching, having been fed 1 of 4 diets: corn, mixed grain,casein,or a Control. Using JASP, answer the following questions. 1.How many observations are there? In the file containing the weight of chicks after hatching 21 days after being fed on different diets they are a total of 45 observations. 2.What variables are measured? What are their types? The variables measured in the file containing the weight of chicks after hatching 21 days after being fed different diets are the time and weight which are numerical, and the diet which is categorical. Note: V1 is an automatically generated label, that column refers to a numbering system used to keep track of the population of chicks. 3.With the Descriptives window, compute the average weight of all the chicks in the study. Report that value in a sentence containing the context of the problem. In the study that shows the weight of chicks after hatching 21 days after being fed four different diets, shows that the average weight of all the chicks is approximately 219. 4.Add “Diet” as the split variables in the Descriptives window, report the mean weights of the chicks in each diet group in a table. Diets Mean
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