Cultural Competence Project



University of Southern California *

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Feb 20, 2024





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1 Cultural Competence Project – History of Undeserved Population Aida Labrada Department of Social Work, OLLUSA SOWK 6315: Generalist Social Work Practice: Individuals, Families and Groups Professor Auten 02/05/2021
2 Cultural Competence Project – History of Undeserved Population Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program was initiated on June 15, 2012 and was announced by then President Barack Obama as a new policy that called for deferred action for eligible undocumented youth and young adults who came to the country as children. Under DACA, undocumented immigrants are granted deferral of deportation from the United States, as well as access to Social Security numbers and renewable two-year permits. (Perez, 2014, p. 2) Prior to DACA, undocumented youth and young adults endured discrimination and social injustices within the economy, society, their communities, schools and fear of deportation. These youths and young adults typically come from families that live below the poverty line, are unable to find work due to their legal status in the United States, were unable to their further education due to policies implemented within colleges and universities and were subjected to xenophobic rhetoric. Pope discusses the United States has the largest immigration population of any nation in the world. He states in the United States, 11.4 million of these individuals, or 3.6% of the entire US population, are unauthorized immigrants and have no legal status. (Pope, 2016, p. 98) Pope points out that some of the difficulties for unauthorized immigrants to access work in the US are: work authorization, no access to gaining driver’s licenses or state identifications, at times lack of having a high school diploma or GED could factor into the labor market friction. Historically unauthorized immigrants were not allowed to obtain any proper identification within the United States as they lacked the ability to provide proper documentation to obtain identification, which were two proof of identification (such as a state driver’s license, state identification card, U.S. passport, military ID, birth certificate, or Social Security) and proof of residency within the state you are applying for a driver’s license or identity card. Without a social security number or proof
3 of identification and employer has the difficult task of making the decision of not hiring the individual applying or to not acknowledge federal and state laws of hiring unauthorized immigrants. Mathema mentions the lawful authorization will make unauthorized immigrants less vulnerable to wage theft and workplace exploitation. (Mathema, 2015, p. 2-3) Martinez reminds us that although an undocumented immigrant might escape from economic stagnation or imminent danger back home, they are expose to discrimination, mistreatment, deportation, or exploitation in the United States.   (Martinez, 2020) He gives the story of Camilo, a pseudo name, and how Camilo has been a victim of wage theft on multiple times by different contractors. Most immigrants do not know what legal protection they have when a contractor does not honor their verbal contract, others choose not to pursue legal actions due to fear of deportation or losing the job.
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