2-2 worksheet timeline



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Jul 1, 2024





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SOC 330 Module Two Worksheet Timeline Name: Patricia Hernandez Course and section number: SOC 330 Soc of Race, Gender, Ethnicity To complete this worksheet, review the Module Two Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document. 1. Select a minority group that you will use as the basis for this worksheet. Some minority groups you may consider include Hispanic immigrants living in the United States, Syrian refugees in Europe, and African American males living in the United States. You are strongly encouraged to select a minority group that you think you will advocate for in your final project position paper. Minority group: African American males living in the United States. 2. Consider the experience of members of this minority group by answering the following questions: How would you describe this minority group’s current position in the social structure? Consider elements such as prestige and presumed worth. African American males who work make thirteen percent less than compared to other races. Today there is twenty percent of African American men live in poverty, but another reason could be that some are just simply not working which contributes to the eleven percent based on what Black Male statistics show. There is also a percent of African American males that only completed high school and did not seek or could not get further education twenty-two percent of African American males graduated from college with a degree compared to thirty-four percent of other races. How does the dominant (majority) group relate to the minority group? In other words, how does the majority group relate to or exert power over the minority group? Check one option below and describe the reason for your selection:
Majority Group Expression Reason for Your Selection (Write three to five sentences) Expect minority groups to assimilate Promote segregation of minority group Embrace pluralism X Exploit minorities via explicit discrimination Based on the article I read nineteen percent of black men serve longer sentences than Caucasian men that were charged with the same crime. The way African American men are being treated by the justice system is basically like a modern-day slavery based on the abuse they endure from the justice system and other races as well as how they are treated based on the stereotypes surrounding them. In prison, inmates are given jobs that will only benefit the government because they earn very little. I am a personal believer that history repeats itself and everything starts from a place where someone might do something like involuntary servitude and get away with doing it for so long that if one day it were to come out people may look at it like it wrong, but they would still allow it because somehow it helped society, and no one got hurt. But people do get hurt the people who they overwork, and their families get hurt, they are finding loopholes to the amendments. 3. Consider the ways in which your own perceptions about this minority group have been influenced by answering the following questions:
What are some of the commonly held views among your family and peers about this minority group? Before I was older, I had heard and seen my mom say some things about African American males. To be more specific she was not the type of person to downgrade someone but there have been times when she would say, well this happened to them because they do this. I feel like she was following the stereotypes people made about African American males and she did not understand what it actually meant. Now when it comes to my father, I heard a story that he told someone one day about how he built his house from the ground up and he placed a fence around his house. The house he built is in the Dominican Republic and when he told the story he was talking about how Haitian men kept walking across his yard and that bothered him, but Haitian men was not what he called them. I never believed my parents to be racist growing up because I did not see it but once I was old enough to understand I understood that they were not being racist they were just misinformed just like the rest of society in my opinion. What did you learn about this minority group in school or from your participation in organized religion? When I first came to the United States, I was very young. When I first arrived, I did not know any English so the people I hung around with were Hispanics. At that age, I still did not know who I was, and I was always trying to fit in. The people I hung around with were also not fans of African American men but for some reason, I was always willing to be friends with everyone no matter their race. Once I began going to high school and I was learning who I was, other people's opinions did not matter to me, so I kept to myself and had friends whose views were not the same as mine, but we were friends because we respected each other. My first friend in high school was an African American girl named Janiece to this day she is still my best friend. Throughout high school, my point of view changed which led to how I viewed my race. I mainly was friends with every other race other than my own I still meet some Hispanics that were nice and that I was friends with, but I outgrew what their views were. My first boyfriend was African American we were together for 4 months which is understandable we were still kids. My next three boyfriends were African American men. My high school sweetheart and I dated for five years my first real relationship. My next one we dated for a year. My current one we have been together for almost six years now. I have learned that no matter their race if you truly love someone you will see them for them no matter the color of their skin because of what I know and because of who I connect with I have only mainly dated African American men because in my opinion they're misjudged by everyone and they deserve love as well they deserve someone who loves them so for now my dating preferences I would African American men.
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