Version 2- Voter attitudes and bahavior-2



Oral Roberts University *

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Jun 4, 2024





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Research Question: How does social identity, including factors like ethnicity or socioeconomic status, affect voter behavior and political attitudes? Literature Review Social identity, including factors like ethnicity, race, gender, and socioeconomic status, significantly influences how people vote and their political beliefs in the United States. Many studies have looked at how social identity shapes political preferences and behaviors, revealing how people's group memberships impact their involvement in politics. One key theme in the literature is the impact of racial and ethnic identity on political behavior. Scholars have found that racial and ethnic group consciousness positively correlates with political participation among minority communities, such as Asian Americans and Latinos (Cho & Tsuchiya, 2020). Additionally, studies highlight the enduring significance of racial attitudes, including symbolic racism, in shaping partisan alignment and voting behavior among white Americans (Sears & Henry, 2005). Social identity and gender intersect to influence political attitudes and behavior. Studies show that voter perceptions of male and female candidates are influenced by gender stereotypes. , affecting perceptions of their leadership ability (Huddy & Terkildsen, 1993). Moreover, scholars have investigated the unique political experiences of minority groups, such as Black women, who navigate intersecting identities and face unique forms of political marginalization (Gay & Tate, 1998). Political party membership is a part of social identity. When people feel their political identity is threatened, they become more extreme in their beliefs. This leads to increased political tribalism and polarization. (Iyengar & Westwood, 2015). This
contributes to the growing polarization of American politics, as political identities become more intertwined with personal identity (Mason, 2018). Furthermore, regional dynamics also play a role in how social identity interacts with political behavior. For example, research on the modern South emphasizes the long-term impact of race on political polarization, particularly among whites in the South. (Valentino & Sears, 2005). Such studies underscore the complex relationship between historical legacies, social identities, and political dynamics within specific geographic contexts. Overall, the literature emphasizes that social identity plays a multifaceted role in influencing voting behavior and political attitudes across the country. By exploring the intersectionality of racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic, and political identities, scholars have gained valuable insight into how social identity shapes people’s political behavior. However, there are still gaps in our knowledge, especially when it comes to how different aspects of social identity correspond with each other and their impact on political behavior. Future studies should continue to research these topics to gain a better understanding of how social identity shapes American politics. Contribution to the Literature Overall, the literature on social identity and political behavior in the United States contributes to the relevant discussion of the relationship between social identity, voting behavior, and political attitudes. By looking at the intersections of racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic, and political identities, scholars have gained valuable insights into how social identity shapes individuals’ behavior. This research proposal furthers the existing literature by examining how different aspects of social identity, such as ethnicity, racial identity, gender identity, and socio-economic status, interact with one another to shape political behavior and attitudes across the country. By
drawing on insights from a wide range of academic sources, this proposal provides a better understanding of the close relationship between social identities and political dynamics. Furthermore, the proposed research seeks to fill the blanks in the existing literature by exploring how different classifications of social identities interact with one another and their effects on political behavior, ultimately leading to a greater understanding of how social identity shapes American politics. Research Design Statement of Next Steps: Expanding upon the existing data and literature about the correlations between social identity and how people vote and think about politics, the next step in this investigation is to look at how being part of certain ethnic and social groups influences how people vote in the United States as well as their political attitudes. This research wants to figure out if a person's ethnic identity has an impact on whether or not they vote for candidates from the same ethnic group while taking several other relevant factors into account. Restated Research Question: How does social identity, including factors like ethnicity or socioeconomic status, affect voter behavior and political attitudes?
Causal Relationship and Methods: Dependent Variable: Voting Behavior, Political attitudes, political affiliation Independent Variable: Social identity, race, socioeconomic identity, religion Data Source: The data for this study will be derived from a combination of sources, including voter registration records, demographic surveys, and election results. Voter registration records will provide information on individuals' demographic characteristics, including ethnicity, age, gender, and party affiliation. Demographic surveys will offer additional insights into individuals' self- reported ethnic identity and voting preferences. Election results data will be used to track the voting behavior of different demographic groups in past elections. Analytical Approach: To establish a causal relationship between ethnic identity and voting behavior, a quasi- experimental approach will be employed, utilizing a combination of statistical techniques, including regression analysis and propensity score matching. 1. Regression Analysis: Regression models will be used to examine how ethnic identity links to how people vote, while also considering other factors like age, gender, education, income, and party affiliation. i will use logistic regression to figure out how likely people are to vote for candidates who share their ethnic background, based on their sense of social identity. 2. Propensity Score Matching: I will use matching scores to fight bias and other factors that might skew how we see the link between ethnic identity and voting. By pairing
people who have similar scores based on their demographics, this method lets me more accurately see how ethnic identity might cause changes in voting behavior. 3. Mediation Analysis: This mode of analysis will be used to see how other factors, like political beliefs or party loyalty, might act as go-betweens in the connection between social identity and how people vote or what they believe politically. This will help understand how social identity can shape political actions. 4. Comparative Analysis. This analysis will compare different groups (like different races/ethnicities, or different levels of wealth) to see how social identity's impact on voting and political opinions changes across different groups. This analysis will help identify potential disparities and differences in political engagement among various population segments. 5. Justification: The chosen analytical approach allows for the examination of the causal relationship between social identity (like ethnic identity) and voting behavior and political attitudes while controlling for potential confounding variables. Regression analysis provides insights into the strength of correlation and direction of the relationship, while propensity score matching enhances the strength of the findings by addressing selection bias and other sources of potential bias. Conclusion: By using a quasi-experimental approach combining regression analysis and propensity score matching, this research aims to provide a nuanced understanding of how ethnic identity influences voter behavior in the United States. By controlling for relevant confounding variables
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