W09 Prove Reflection



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by PresidentSummerPanther16

Reflection and Synthesis Report Name: Week #: 9 Instructions In the table provided below, you will complete your reflection and synthesis responses for this week. Be sure to complete each Response section. When referencing scripture or other materials, only include a brief or abbreviated summary along with the citation as these cannot be included in the required word count. When you have completed the document, save it to your computer and follow the instructions in your course to submit the assignment to your instructor. 1. Did you complete all the assigned reading for the week? [ Yes ⃝ or No ⃝] 2. Article of Faith Please identify the Article of Faith studied this week Response: Article of Faith 8 3. Explanation of Key Events and Scriptures Demonstrate your comprehension of fundamental truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and your ability to use the scriptures to teach them. Be sure to include specific scripture references from the assigned readings Scenario: Imagine you have been asked by a family member or friend to share what you believe about the truths and events you studied this week. Share in your own words several insights as though you are really trying to teach someone. Include at least three scripture references to support the truths you teach (you may reference them, but there is no need to quote them). Share your testimony as you would when teaching someone. Your response will be evaluated by the following criteria: 1. 200–300 words in length (please include your word count at the bottom of the section). 2. Include at least 3 scripture references . Response: I learned about how Joseph Smith received revelations highlighting the authority and keys of the priesthood conferred on Joseph Smith to demonstrate that the scriptures given to Joseph, including the Book of Mormon, are essential to our salvation as mentioned in D&C 35:17–22 because they contain the true revelations that guide the Lord's Church in the right way.
We can also see that gospel truths are not only found in the Book of Mormon but also in scriptures such as the Bible. So, we can see the importance of both sources of scripture in understanding and bearing witness to the truths of the gospel as mentioned in Mormon 7:8–10. Finally, in D&C 42:12, we are told that the scriptures are given to us to proclaim to the world the fulness of the gospel, highlighting the role of the Book of Mormon in correcting corruptions in the Bible or in clarifying the things that are said in the Bible itself. I strongly believe in the Restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith, in the revelations he received, and in the importance of the Book of Mormon and the Bible as essential guides to our salvation in addition to the scriptures we have today, such as the revelations they received in the Restoration of the gospel or the words of today's leaders. These scriptures support and strengthen my testimony, and they help me share this truth with those who seek to understand more deeply God's plan for us. Word Count:248 4. Synthesis: Personal Relevance and Application to the Real World There are many serious challenges people encounter on a daily basis that are consequences of living in a fallen world. The gospel truths taught in the Articles of Faith have tremendous power to help people find answers, rise above problems, or simply feel God's love and concern for them again. Each week you will choose an issue (below) and think deeply about how the truths in that week’s Article of Faith can offer hope to those who are experiencing the problem. If you have another issue that particularly interests you, then choose your own: abortion abuse/bullying addiction depression divorce domestic violence energy/environmental issues violence gambling genocide homosexuality international terrorism
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