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Liberty University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Religious Worldview Interview Assignment “My Interview With A Non-Believer” By: Michael Long Liberty University Religion 104 1
Religious Worldview Interview Assignment Part One I’ve had some obstacles arise this semester which have led to a brief hospitalization to regulate my medications, which negatively impacted my grades. Not to mention the fact that my disability had already previously caused an unwanted drop in my performance during the duration of this class. It totally sucks having to always come in last place, or to be the one not learning or functioning on the same level as everyone else. That is something that having Schizophrenia has caused for me for several years now, the reason I’m unable to maintain meaningful employment, and the biggest cause of my failure in life in general. Despite my limitations, I know that I am still loved and cherished by the Lord, and that he doesn’t want me to fail in life. He sees the good in me, and the sincerity in my endeavors, my refusal to quit, and my determination in finishing the things I set out to do- even if it does mean finishing last. With that having been said, I’m going to go the extra mile in this assignment and discuss all 4 methods of spreading the gospel, rather than just two, and hopefully I earn enough points to finish this course with at least a passing grade. Additionally, I want to show the excellent professor who taught this class, Mr. that I did learn something, and that his efforts in educating the guy who always comes in last place were appreciated. The first method is to spread the gospel of Jesus without fear: William Fay and Ralph Hodge made this approach famous, emphasizing having casual interactions to spread the gospel. Two inquiries are used as diagnostic tools: “Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?” and “To you, who is Jesus?” At that point, the doors open for one to share important scriptures. A few good examples could 2
Religious Worldview Interview Assignment include John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, and Romans 10:9-10. The fundamental point of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ is furthered by these verses. The Romans Road is the second method. A series of verses from the book of Romans are used in The Roman’s Road, a methodical technique, to convey the message of the gospel. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9, and Romans 10:13 are the verses that come after each other in the list.This approach offers a methodical way to discuss the necessity of redemption, the negative effects of sin, God’s love shown through the death of Jesus, the significance of confession and belief, and the assurance of salvation for everyone who believe on God. Using a designated order of these verses is said to effectively communicate the gospel’s message. The third method is known as the Faith Method. This is Charles G. Finnley’s method which includes five essential elements derived from each letter of the word “FAITH”, meaning “Forsaking All, I Trust Him”. The method is described as follows: 1. Forsaking all – entails confession of sin and moving away from it. 2. I – the admission of one’s own shame and helplessness. 3. Trust – placing one’s faith in the accomplished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. 4. Him – devoting one’s life to Jesus and accepting Him as the Savior. Acts 3:19, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6, and Revelation 3:20 are just a few of the Bible verses that the FAITH method uses to promote each phase. These texts lend credence to the ideas of repentance, grace-based redemption by faith, Jesus as the sole means of salvation, 3
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