Bible Study Project Observation Template



Liberty University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by ProfessorSteel12059

BIBL 104 Name: B IBLE S TUDY P ROJECT : O BSERVATION T EMPLATE Passage: Acts 19:11-22 A. I have read Acts 19:11-22 in both a formal translation (NASB, NRSV, ESV, or CSB) and a functional translation ( NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. Please use the translation provided in your digital library or found at o Yes o No B. Having read the passage in both formal and functional translation, list at least 2 similarities and 3 differences between the way both translations cover this story. These similarities and differences should be related to the text itself rather than the translation. For example, an observation like, “The formal translation is harder to read” is not an acceptable observation because it deals with the translation itself rather than the text. You may list as many similarities as possible and differences that you find providing that you meet the minimum amount for each one. 1. Similarity – Both translations specifically note that handkerchief and aprons were given to the sick and then the sick received healing. 2. Similarity – Both translation mention that the men, who were beat, ran away naked and seriously hurt. 3. Difference – In verse 13, the NIV version states, “some Jews” while the ESV version states “itinerant Jewish exorcists”. I believe this makes a significant difference because by saying exorcists it alludes to a profession. Meanwhile, only saying Jews makes it seem more random and with no real purpose. 4. Difference – When the total amount is mentioned in verse 19, the NIV version says drachmas while the ESV version says silver. Page 1 of 4
BIBL 104 5. Difference – In verse 21, the ESV version says Paul decided with the spirit, while the NIV version does not mention the spirits involvement. C. Identify the basic elements of the story you are studying. 1. Main characters: (List them) 2. Plot: (50-100 words) 3. Story structure: (50-100 words) Note: Plot and Story Structure are not the same thing (see the tutorial and student example) Introduction: Paul’s teachings were growing in popularity as was his healing of the sick. Inciting Incident: Jews begin to use Jesus’s name along with the mention of Paul. Rising Action: In one incident, a Demon replies that they know Jesus and Paul, but not the sons of Sceva. Climax: The sons of Sceva are beaten badly and run from the place naked. Falling Action: The people of Ephesus are in fear and burn all of their sorcery scrolls. Resolution: Paul decides to take a trip to Jerusalem after passing through Macedonia and Achaia. D. List basic observations about this passage using the “Key Question” for observation. Remember to consult and review chapters 17 and 37 in Everyday Bible Study . This will help you be more detailed in your answers to “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how.” Please be detailed and specific. 1. Who: Luke (author), Jews (audience), Sons of Sceva, Paul, Jesus, Timothy, Erastus, Jews and Greeks. Page 2 of 4
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