ADS 115 Midterm



Suffolk County Community College *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by CaptainGalaxyLeopard21

ADS 115 Midterm Name: _______________________ Date: _________ 1.5 pt each question (60 pt total multiple-choice section) Circle or highlight your answers . Save in a Word document and email it back to me. I will be available for text and be on Zoom for Virtual assist every Monday 6:00 – 7:00 PM to discuss the midterm. Tobacco Use Disorder and Smoking Cessation 1) Nicotine is essentially a: a) stimulant. b) bronchoconstrictor. c) depressant. ) vasodilator. 2) The basis of nicotine addiction is: a) decreased levels of dopamine production. b) an underlying change in brain circuits. c) increased production of adrenaline. d) growth of new cells in the limbic system. 3) A substance use disorder is characterized in part by: a) the use of multiple, harmful substances. b) onset of use in early adolescence. c) a gradual increase in use over time. d) continued use despite negative interpersonal consequences 4) Tobacco use disorder is characterized in part by: a) financial difficulties caused by tobacco use. b) concurrent alcohol use. c) giving up important activities because of tobacco use. d) a worsening of pre-existing psychiatric disorders. 5) Smoking cessation can cause signs and symptoms of: a) withdrawal. b) pulmonary infections. c) serious cardiac events. d) increased craving. 6) The most effective treatment for smoking cessation is: a) behavioral interventions and pharmacotherapy. b) bupropion and fluoxetine. c) nicotine replacement therapy alone. d) behavioral interventions alone. 1
7) Which of these medications FDA approved for smoking cessation? a) Sertraline, nicotine, and varenicline b) Amitriptyline, paroxetine and bupropion. c) Bupropion, nicotine, and varenicline. D) Diazepam, nicotine, phenobarbital. 8) Many patients fail to quit smoking because they: a) are unaware that smoking is harmful. b) do not use medications or seek help. c) believe smoking cessation medications are harmful. d) do not believe that smoking is harmful. 9) Only _____% or so of smokers will still be abstinent after one year even with optimal treatment. a) 10 b) 15 c) 25 d) 30 10) Bupropion SR _____ mg once/day for three days, then increased to twice/day for 7 to 12 weeks is given for smoking cessation. a) 50 b) 100 c) 150 d) 200 The Neurobiology of Substance Use, Misuse, and Addiction 1) As individuals continue to misuse alcohol or other substances, progressive changes, called_____ occur in the structure and function of the brain. a) Accommodations b) Perseverations c) Neuroadaptations d) Neuroplasticity 2) The nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum are two sub-regions of the: a) Prefrontal cortex b) Basal ganglia c) Occipital lobe d) Extended amygdala 3) Which is the process by which presentation of a stimulus such as a drug increases the probability of a response like drug taking? a) Positive reinforcement b) Impulsivity c) Negative reinforcement 2
d) Compulsivity 4) A person learns to associate the stimuli present while using a substance. Over time, these stimuli can activate the dopamine system on their own and trigger powerful urges to take the substance. These “wanting” urges are called a) Pseudo triggers b) Incentive salience c) Acute impact d) Craving echoes 5) Habit formation involves the release of: a) Dopamine and Glutamate b) Glutamate and Norepinephrine c) Norepinephrine and Melatonin d) Melatonin and Dopamine 6) Craving involves the: a) Prefrontal cortex b) Basal ganglia c) Occipital lobe d) Extended amygdala 7) To help explain how the prefrontal cortex is involved in addiction, some scientists divide the functions of this brain region into a _____and _____ system. a) Cocked, Fired b) Reactive, Synthesized c) Go, Stop d) Hi, Low 8) Studies show that diminished prefrontal cortex control over the extended amygdala is particularly prominent in humans with: a) Substance Use Disorders b) Psychosis c) Depression d) PTSD 9) According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), of the 20.8 million people aged 12 or older who had a substance use disorder during the past year, about 2.7million (13 percent) had both an alcohol use and an illicit drug use disorder, and about________ percent also had a mental illness. a) 11% b) 21% c) 41% d) 81% 3
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