Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet 2021 (1) (2) (1)



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Dec 6, 2023





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Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet (Article #1) Bejerot, S., & Eriksson, J. M. (2014). Sexuality and gender role in autism spectrum disorder: a case c study. PloS one, 9(1), e87961. Student name: JaNiqua Burton Course/section: SPCE 680- Questions Pt What is the background and rationale given for why this research is needed or worthwhile? What is the research question and/or hypothesis(es)? If the male typical behavior and perception is weakened in ASD then both sexes and gender identity will be less pronounced. 9.0 pts What participants are used for this study/research? How many? Race? Gender? Age? Other demographics? If insufficient info., specify this. Participants within this study involved 103 Swedish adults. 26 men and 24 women were diagnosed with autism and in the control group 28 men and 25 women matched on gender and age demographics. They were recruited through an outpatient tertiary psychiatric unit for adults, community based center, and website for adults with ASD. The control group was selected based on the group with ASD to match the gender and age of the individuals. Both groups were of Swedish/Caucasian descent and age between 20 and 47 years. The demographics for this experiment is listed in Table 1. 9.0 pts
Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet (Article #1) Bejerot, S., & Eriksson, J. M. (2014). Sexuality and gender role in autism spectrum disorder: a case c study. PloS one, 9(1), e87961. Student name: JaNiqua Burton Course/section: SPCE 680- Questions Pt What methods were used to answer the research question(s) (e.g. questionnaires, analysis of archival data, actual experiments, observations). NOTE: Needs to be described so have a clear picture of what was done. Gender role was assessed by using the swedish modification of the Bem Sex Role inventory that measures between masculine and feminine traits. The used single adjectives with full statements and used the Likert to scale the answers as totally disagree, slightly disagree, slightly agree or fully agree. This was assessed with 17 items each and 9 items that were gender neutral. For the masculine scale statements focused on power, assertiveness, leadership abilities and competitiveness while female scale statements measured how tender, caring and submissive a person is. They also utilized AQ with a 50 item self evaluation questionnaire to assess the personal preferences and habits and "The Reading the Mind in the Eyes test" that deciphers emotions in photos of expressive sets of eyes. This helps with gender variation in the neurotypical people. They also assessed gender role, gender identity and typicality, libido, sexual preferences and limitations within this study. 9.0 pts
Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet (Article #1) Bejerot, S., & Eriksson, J. M. (2014). Sexuality and gender role in autism spectrum disorder: a case c study. PloS one, 9(1), e87961. Student name: JaNiqua Burton Course/section: SPCE 680- Questions Pt What were the findings, or research outcomes? Please quantify if this is given? Was the research hypothesis(es) supported, or not? Results show that the masculine sexuality is rarely shown within individuals with ASD. They tend to have a lower sex drive than a neurotypical human being. When heterosexual and homosexual is being discussed the groups of bisexuality and tomboyish is being over-represented because this can be formulated in the elevated levels of androgen's in foetal life. 9.0 pts Critique: Overall, what is your evaluation of this research article regarding the clarity of questions asked, participants and methods used, I believe that this evaluation was all over the place. The hypothesis was not represented clearly even with all the information provided. There was no clear focal point of why this experiment was being done they talked about a little bit of everything. I still don't understand how sexuality and gender roles relate to ASD and how they typically see themselves as more masculine or feminine. Also why is the study just limited to certain groups of people why not implement a variety of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. Even though some of the questions were answered it still left me in the unknown for the reason 9.0 pts
Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet (Article #1) Bejerot, S., & Eriksson, J. M. (2014). Sexuality and gender role in autism spectrum disorder: a case c study. PloS one, 9(1), e87961. Student name: JaNiqua Burton Course/section: SPCE 680- Questions Pt and its findings? Were the questions adequately answered? What suggestions would you make for future research in this area? of this study. Quality of writing and APA Style Citation ***THIS BOX FOR GRADING USE ONLY- DO NOT COMPLETE*** 5.0 pts Total Points: 50.0
Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet (Article #2) Carruthers, S., Kinnaird, E., Rudra, A., Smith, P., Allison, C., Auyeung, B., Chakrabarti, B., Wakabaya Baron-Cohen, S., Bakolis, I., & Hoekstra, R. A. (2018). A cross-cultural study of autistic traits across Japan and the UK. Molecular Autism, 9(1). Student name: JaNiqua Burton Course/section: SPCE 680- Questions Pt What is the background and rationale given for why this research is needed or worthwhile? What is the research question and/or hypothesis(es)? If a better screening instrument is developed globally then it will help identify key indicators of diagnosing autistic traits even with the differences of expression. 9.0 pts What participants are used for this study/research? How many? Race? Gender? Age? Other demographics? If insufficient info., specify this. For India participants were recruited from Delhi and Kolkata. The children diagnosed with autism were selected from a non-profit organisation in both cities. 75 children with autism and 81 neurotypical children between the ages of four and eight were recruited for this study. In Japan children were selected through special education schools in Tokyo and neurotypical children from mainstream schools. From 116 autistic children and 190 neurotypical children between the ages of four and nine were recruited for this study. In the UK the data was collected by the Autism Research Center (ARC) at the University of Cambridge. They were selected by volunteers through a study of social and communication skills at mainstream primary schools. The children for this study consisted of 488 autistic children and 532 neurotypical children that ranged from ages four to nine. 9.0 pts
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