Discussion 2



Arizona State University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by ConstableFreedom11693

Each person develops different schemas based on their own life experiences which are essential for understanding and interpreting experiences in our lives (Main, 2023). The schemas we develop during our life span come from influential factors in our lives. For example, family, friends, community, school, and work. We can develop personal schemas, social schemas, self- schemas, and event schemas which can be influenced throughout our lives. When we experience something new it can impact and change the schemas we have developed earlier in life. Events in our life-span development can impact our perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion through positive and negative interactions with other cultures. When we have positive interactions and accept other races, religions, cultural norms, and political beliefs our schemas will evolve and change to accept them. Meaningful contact can have profound impacts on prejudice (Weir, 2018). The more we interact with diverse populations the more our perspectives will broaden. "When we think about trying to dismantle the building blocks of hate, we have to have meaningful engagement across group lines" (Weir, 2018). We can use research in developmental psychology to understand an individual’s level of prejudice by studying responses to social and cultural events. For example, if we were to poll individuals about their age, gender, political affiliation, religion, and race and then ask questions about their beliefs regarding issues of racism, gun control, or abortion. When we study these responses, we can gain a better understanding of an individual’s level of prejudice. I grew up in a small Connecticut town in a predominantly white neighborhood and even my elementary and middle schools were predominantly white. This greatly limited my interactions with people from different cultures and races as a child. However, my mom and grandparents instilled in me “don’t judge a book by its cover”. They taught me to judge people by their character and how they treat others. When I went to high school in a different district I was exposed to a much more diverse population of peers. The friends I made helped me to learn more about different cultures and further broadened my perspectives. The concept of mental schema development applies to the programmatic theme of emotional intelligence. When we are able to empathize with others, we can gain a better understanding of what others have experienced in life. We are also able to better understand and accept that different people have different views on the world. Bibliography Main, P. (2023, May 5). What is a schema in psychology? . Structural Learning. https://www.structural-learning.com/post/schema-in-psychology Weir, K. (2018, January). Dismantling hate . Monitor on Psychology. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2018/01/dismantling-hate
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