Bryce Beach



Liberty University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by JusticeMorningGoldfinch9

1 Beach Bryce Beach Dr. Logan PSYC 371-002 November 14, 2023 Case Study #4: Reality/Choice Theory QUESTION 1: If Stan complains of feeling depressed most of the time and wants you to “fix” him, how would you proceed? Reality therapy tends to focus on present issues in the individual and emphasizes the behavior that results from the choice the individual is making. I would begin by asking Stan what he wants when he asked to be fixed. By asking that you can see the underlying desire for wanting to be fixed, whether it be Stan not wanting to be sad anymore or his family sending him to therapy to be “fixed” and he doesn’t want to let them down. These could be factors affecting Stan to make one choice over another. So overall, I would want to proceed by first figuring out the how, why, who, what, where, and when of the desire to be fixed. QUESTION 2: If Stan persists, telling you that his mood is getting the best of him and that he wants you to work with his physician in getting him on an antidepressant drug, what would you say or do? QUESTION 3: What are some of Stan’s basic needs that are not being met? What action plans can you think of to help Stan find better ways of getting what he wants? Being able to connect with someone or feel like they understand you can make a big impact on one’s life, for me I saw that through my parents. When I feel understood by them and connect with them, I feel much stronger in my walk-through life than when I
2 Beach have them not understanding me along with others. Therefore, a therapeutic relationship would be beneficial to Stan and can help him to be able to build friendships and relationships that build a foundation for his life. The only thing that could get in the way when establishing a therapeutic relationship is not putting down proper boundaries and Stan begins to think of you more as a friend than a professional and could compromise the relationship. QUESTION 4: Would you be inclined to do a checklist on alcoholism with Stan? Why or why not? If you determined that he was addicted to alcohol, would you insist that he attend a program such as Alcoholics Anonymous in conjunction with therapy with you? Why or why not? QUESTION 5: What interventions would you make to help Stan explore his total behavior?
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