Barclay_D_Career Self-Assessment Assignment



Liberty University *

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Feb 20, 2024





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BENCHMARK: CAREER SELF-ASSESSMENT 1 Career Self-Assessment & Exploration Assignment Daniel Barclay Liberty University Online Author Note Daniel Barclay I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Daniel Barclay, Email:
BENCHMARK: CAREER SELF-ASSESSMENT 2 Abstract This essay explores my career self-assessment and the path I have chosen in Marriage and Family Therapy. It delves into the results of career instruments like the O*NET Interest Profiler and values assessments, highlighting the alignment between my values and the counseling profession. The essay discusses the nature of work, work conditions, qualifications, opportunities, and challenges within Marriage and Family Therapy. It also emphasizes the potential economic and non-economic benefits of this career, while considering potential drawbacks like stress and emotional conflicts. Lastly, I reflect on my open-minded approach as a future Christian therapist and my aim to bridge the gap between my faith and diverse worldviews to help clients find healing and understanding in their lives.
BENCHMARK: CAREER SELF-ASSESSMENT 3 Career Self-Assessment & Exploration Assignment Part I: Career Self-Assessment Career Instrument Results John Holland's theory illustrates the connection between personality traits and suitable career choices, grounded in four core principles. These principles revolve around the idea that most individuals can be grouped into one of six categories: conventional, enterprising, social, artistic, investigative, or realistic (Niles et al., 2021). In tandem with these categories, there exist six distinct environmental types. Another pivotal premise is that individuals seek out environments that enable them to engage with appealing challenges and adopt roles that align with their expertise, values, and principles (Niles et al., 2021). Lastly, the theory posits that an individual's actions actively shape the relationship between their personality and the elements of their surroundings (Niles et al., 2021). The scores I received on the O*NET Interest Profiler revealed to me that my highest scores were in the categories of Social (23), Artistic (13), and Enterprising (1). I did not score anything in the other three categories of Conventional, Realistic, and Investigative. Scoring high in the Social category implies that the individual finds satisfaction in collaborating with others to facilitate their development and progress and that they derive greater enjoyment from interacting with people as opposed to working with inanimate objects, machinery, or data (National Center for O*NET Development, 2023). Scoring high in the Artistic category implies that the individual enjoys jobs that involve the creative aspects of life, such as acting, music, visual arts, and design (National Center for O*NET Development, 2023). Those who score high in the Enterprising category prefer occupations related to initiating and
BENCHMARK: CAREER SELF-ASSESSMENT 4 executing business ventures. They thrive on taking decisive actions rather than contemplating endlessly (National Center for O*NET Development, 2023). My primary values identified by taking the values assessment are ‘being around people who are open and honest’, ‘meaningful work’, and ‘inner harmony’. Being around individuals who are open and honest helps to generate emotional support, transparency of intentions, and a sense of openness needed to hold one another accountable and encourage continuous growth. I believe that honest and open individuals are needed for a sense of genuine teamwork that I truly value and seek out whenever and wherever possible. Meaningful work can be defined as work that is deeply cared for and geared toward making a significant impact. It can also be characterized as work that inspires one to continue doing it. Lastly, inner harmony is a top value of mine because a sense of harmony is what I am naturally drawn to in all that I do. My sense of inner harmony or my striving for it helps guide the decisions I make. It also provides me with the empathy needed to find common ground with others and to meet those I am talking with wherever they currently find themselves spiritually and emotionally. Based on these identified values, I have identified two potential career paths: Marriage and Family Therapy and Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counseling, both of which require extensive schooling and/or licensure. The decision-making factors from Horton’s (2009) article that I found important for not only making career decisions, but for making all decisions in my life were consulting wise counsel, depending on a sense of inner peace from the Holy Spirit, considering personal strengths, talents, gifts, and abilities, and recognizing and responding to the needs of others. Additionally, the approach from the Horton (2009) article that was most in line with my values was the Relationship-Formation approach. The article stated that this approach emphasizes that
BENCHMARK: CAREER SELF-ASSESSMENT 5 spiritual growth comes before relying on fixed spiritual formulas and that while the Scriptures play a pivotal role in this growth, our decisions are rooted in our relationship with God and how we perceive God's influence in our lives (Horton, 2009). I believe that a Christian should be aiming to develop the character of Christ above all other endeavors. One verse that aligns with this perspective that I hold dear to my heart is 1 John 2:6, which states “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did” ( New International Bible , 1978/2011). Personal Reactions While nothing new was ultimately revealed to me, The O*NET Interest Profiler offered me a new way to assist others in identifying their skills, abilities, and inclinations. This assessment incorporated personality domains such as realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional, which play a pivotal role in determining ideal career paths based on personal attributes. However, there was nothing new to me revealed through taking it. I have known for quite some time that I am inclined to both artistically and socially focused pursuits. Unlike the The O*NET Interest Profiler, the value sorting activity provided me with a more profound understanding of my personal values and how they connect with my desired occupation. I think that ‘being around people who are open and honest’, ‘meaningful work’, and ‘inner harmony’ serve as the foundation for everything that I find purpose and meaning in. The Spiritual Discernment survey and the Horton (2009) article in general provided me with a further understanding of the various ways in which we all connect with God and seek His guidance. I found solace and reassurance in the idea that there is not one way to connect and seek guidance from God. I felt affirmed by seeing that I am not alone in the ways that I make decisions utilizing spiritual pathways.
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