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Political Science


Oct 30, 2023





Uploaded by ProfessorRoseJaguar23

1. The relationship between Cuba and the U.S has been shaky for a long time. The U.S government didn’t like the Cuban Revolution at all and tried to overthrow the Castro led government. This was done by invasion at the Bay of Pigs in 1961 unfortunately for America this failed due to poor planning and underestimation of the Cuban military. Things also got worse in 1962 after the Cuban Missile Crisis which was a 13 day standoff over the installation of missiles in Cuba. This led to many attempts to assassinate Castro because it was believed that with his death Cuba wouldn’t align with the Soviet Union anymore. 2. The current relationship between the U.S and Cuba is in a midway point between good and bad. There is a lot of diplomatic tension still and the history between the two is still there. But since 2015 they have been taking steps in reestablishing diplomatic relation. They have also, reopened embassies, and loosening trade and travel restrictions. However, progress is still slow due to human rights concerns in Cuba and the U.S policy changes. 3. On a positive side of things the improved relations between the two have increased cultural exchange and travel opportunities for U.S citizens. This has helped foster a better understanding and connection between the two nations. Some critics of the relationship argue that working with Cuba is rewarding an authoritarian regime. Moreover, people are worried that the eased restrictions on travel and trade have potential security risks and could impacts many U.S industries.
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