PHYS 100 lab uniform motion



San Diego Mesa College *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Physics 100 – Uniform Motion Page 1 of 6 SAN DIEGO MESA COLLEGE Name_________________________ PHYSICS 100 LAB REPORT Date __________Time___________ Partners ______________________ TITLE: Uniform Motion ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Objective: To determine the equation of motion for a toy tractor. Theory: The motion of an object is described by the change of it's position with respect to time, as measured from a start point for it's position and it's time ( i.e. at x=0 and t=0). The mathematical relationship for an object's position as a function of the time it reaches that position is called the object's equation of motion. The simplest equation of motion is for motion without acceleration. This motion is called uniform motion. Equipment: motorized cart tape timer mount tape-timers 1 1/2 meter strips meter-stick brick masking tape Setup: Paper strip 1.5 meters long Masking tape Brick Carbon paper disk (carbon side up ) Tapper Motorized cart
Physics 100 – Uniform Motion Page 2 of 6 Technique : The tape timer has a circular piece of carbon paper and a tapping mechanism. The tapper taps on the carbon paper specific number of times per second. As the toy tractor moves, the tape timer puts marks on the paper strip at regular time intervals. The amount of time between marks (the t) is decided by which direction the switch on the timer is moved when it is turned on. There are two settings 10Hz and 40Hz. We will be using the 10Hz setting for a t = 0.1seconds. The tractor will move a certain distance x between each mark. These two sets of values will give us the data we need to get the equation of motion. Procedure: Turn the tractor on temporarily to see which direction it will move. Face it so it will move away from the tape timer. Get one of the long paper strips. Feed one end through the first plastic slot, then in between the silver metal plate and the circular piece of carbon paper, and out through the other plastic slot. If it's not feeding easily, slightly bend a small portion of the end of the paper strip. This might help. Take a small piece of masking tape and tape the end of the paper strip nearest to the timer to the top of the tractor. Place the tractor near the tape timer, but leave enough room to lift the tractor off the table a little bit (you'll lift it later). Pull the rest of the tape out the back of the tape timer so that it is hanging over the edge of the table. Have one partner lift the tractor off the table enough so that they can turn the tractor on. Have another partner on the opposite end of the table ready to stop the tractor. Have a third partner move the switch on the tape timer to the 10Hz position. The timer should start clicking. Have the person with the tractor turn it on, aim it towards the brick and set it on the table. Once the tractor gets to the other side of the table, move the timer's switch to the off position to turn it off. Remove the paper strip from the tractor and turn it over. Make sure the marks made by the timer are dark and visible. If they are easily visible, then you are ready to start the analysis. If not, try rotating the circular piece of carbon paper and run through the procedure again. If this still doesn't produce visible marks, ask the instructor for help. Analysis : Look at the marks (dots) on your strip. The beginning of your strip is the side that was attached to the tractor. The first few marks probably won't look evenly spaced. Choose and circle the first dot, after skipping several, which appears sharp and is evenly spaced with its neighbors. This is dot #1 which occurs at t = 0 sec. and has a starting position of x = 0 cm. Lay the paper strip along a meter stick or ruler and use masking tape to attach the first dot you choose for t = 0 and x= 0 to the zero end of your meter stick or ruler.
Physics 100 – Uniform Motion Page 3 of 6 Record the position of where each dot is along the ruler or meter stick. Calculate the distance interval between each dot and the dot before it. The distance interval is the position of each dot minus the position of the dot before it. The distance interval is also known as x. Dot # Position (cm) Time (Ticks) Distance Interval (cm) Ave.Velocity In interval (cm/sec) 1 0.0 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 The average velocity that the object obtains during an interval of one tick is the distance interval traveled during that one tick divided by the time elapsed (one tick). To calculate the average velocity, divide the distance interval by one tick. This gives you units of cm / tick. To convert this to a usable number, you will need to multiply this number by the Number of ticks per 1 second. There are 10 ticks per second. This will give you units of cm / sec. Fill in your table with each of the average velocities.
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