Session 1 - Ten Ways of Looking at the World



Colorado Christian University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Ten Ways of Looking at the World Matthew W. Timmons Colorado Christian University PHL-205A-35014-FA23 – World Views Professor Quintana November 20, 2023
My worldview has recently come to my attention; I am still in the beginning stages of what my worldview is and looks like. What is a worldview, and how do we look at the world? Those are good questions; a worldview is a way of understanding the world and how it works (Session 1 What is a Worldview, 2021). A way to understand it is by considering it as a lens through interpretations of experiences. Through several subsets, we can better understand how we view the world. Theology is a way of looking at the world. Theology definition is the study of God and his nature. I have started my journey on how to understand God. I know I will only understand and receive some things there is to know. I know God created the Heavens and the Earth. I know God is my Lord and Savior. God’s words bring comfort and encouragement to me. God is love, and if we love other people, we know God. Some believe there is no God, such as Atheists, and we humans just came into existence on our own. According to Myers and Noebel (2015), “Theism, the belief that God is, and Atheism, the belief that God is not, are not simply two beliefs… They are two fundamental ways of seeing the whole of existence (p. 190). As a Christian, I believe in the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God exists in and outside of time. Christian theology is theistic from verse one of the Bible: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen1:1). That one sentence proclaims a God who is active in yet separate from his creation, a designed universe and an intentional life-sustaining earth (Myers and Noebel, 2015, p. 190). If this statement is valid for a Christian believer, then Atheism is false. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I choose to believe in God, Heaven, and Hell rather than not believe in it, and come face to face with God and realize I made a mistake because there is nothing a person can do at that point. That is my belief and philosophy. Philosophy studies basic ideas about knowledge, truth, right and wrong, and religion. Philosophy comes from two Greek words, Philo and Sophia, meaning (love) and (wisdom). The
love of wisdom is essentially philosophy. If we love God, we must love what God loves. God loves wisdom and will give it to us if we pray and ask him to instill us with godly wisdom. Without knowledge from God, how can man discern what is real? Myers and Noebel (2015) state, “The study of ultimate reality is called metaphysics. In Greek, the word metaphysics means “beyond the natural things” (meta means “beyond”; physics means “natural things” (p. 206). I have to agree with philosophers who are dualists. The most common form of dualism maintains that the universe consists of material and immaterial entities and properties. So, according to this view, the soul, an immaterial entity, is just as real as the physical body to which it is united (Myers and Noebel, 2015, p.206). Our bodies would not be able to function without a soul and God breathing life into our bodies. Once these earthly bodies die, our souls move on to have eternal life or suffer a second death. Everyone will have their view of what the good life is. Some believe the good life is being wealthy and having no cares or worries. Myers and Noebel (2015) state, “Ethicists are not merely in search of a life that feels good, but in search of “the good life” – a life that actually is good (p. 19). I think the good life is about being happy and grateful for everything God has done for you. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. The natural world shows us God’s fingerprints in everything in creation. God sustains and holds together all things. Myers and Noebel (2015) say, “When it comes to understanding life-physical as well as spiritual- we believe the Christian worldview offers superior insight (p.23). Human beings have a sense of thought. We can know right from wrong. When humans sin, we have a savior we can ask for forgiveness. As human beings, we have souls and free will, and we can speak a language. Understanding human beings as possessing both bodies and souls, even though we are sinful, imperfect, and in need of a savior, far outweighs expecting humans, as many contemporary psychologists argue, to be guilt- free and in control of their behavior (Myers and Noebel, 2015, p.23). The sociology of how we
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