Chapter 1 Independent work



Toronto Metropolitan University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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For each of the following, indicate whether it is the kind of sentence that falls within the scope of this text—that is, is either true or false. If it is not, explain why not. a. George Washington was the second president of the United States. This sentence is false. George Washington was the first president of the United States. It’s a historical fact, which makes it a statement that it either true or false b. Turn in your homework on time or not at all. This sentence is not a declarative statement; it is a command or instruction and does not fall into the category of sentences evaluated as true or false in classical logic. c. Two is the smallest prime number. This sentence is true. Two is the smallest prime number because it is divisible only by 1 and itself. d. George Bush senior was the immediate predecessor to George W. as president. This sentence is true. George Bush senior (George H.W. Bush) was the immediate predecessor to his son, George W. Bush, as President of the United States. e. Sentence f below is true. This sentence is not a declarative statement; it is a meta-statement referring to another sentence, making it self-referential and not within the scope. f. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. This sentence is a proverb or aphorism, not a factual statement. It expresses advice and does not fall into the category of sentences evaluated as true or false. g. This sentence is false. This sentence is paradoxical. If it is true, then it must be false, but if it is false, then it must be true. It creates a logical paradox and does not have a determinate truth value. 2. For each of the following passages, specify what argument, if any, is being advanced. Where the intent is probably not to express an argument, explain why this is so. Where an argument is probably being expressed, restate the argument in standard form. Analysis of Passages: a. This passage presents an argument. The argument can be restated in standard form as follows: Premises: When Mike, Sharon, Sandy, and Vicky are all out of the office, no important decisions get made. Mike is off skiing. Sharon is in Spokane. Vicky is in Olympia.
Sandy is in Seattle. Conclusion: 6. No decisions will be made today. b. This passage does not express an argument. It provides a list of qualities or characteristics of individuals but does not make any claim or inference. c. This passage also does not express an argument. It provides information about the contents of different drawers without making any claims or inferences. 3. Which of the following are true and which are false? Explain your answers, giving examples as appropriate. a. False. An argument can be valid even if not all the premises are true. Validity is about the logical relationship between premises and conclusions, not the truth of individual premises. For example, the argument "All fish have wings; Nemo is a fish; therefore, Nemo has wings" is valid (the conclusion follows logically from the premises), but one of the premises is false. B. True. All sound arguments are indeed valid. A sound argument is a valid argument with all true premises. Since a valid argument is one in which it's impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false, having all true premises guarantees validity. However, While all sound arguments are indeed valid, not all valid arguments are sound. Soundness calls for both validity (the argument's structure is logically valid) and all proper premises. So, a valid argument may want to have a false premise and still be valid, but it would not be sound. For instance, the argument;”All pets can fly; my pet is a cat; therefore, my pet can fly”; is valid (the conclusion follows logically from the premises), however it isn't sound because one of the premises is false. c. True. If the conclusion of an argument is false, then the argument cannot be valid. Validity requires that if all premises are true, the conclusion must be true as well. If the conclusion is false, it means there exists at least one situation where the premises are true and the conclusion is false, making the argument invalid. d. True. This statement is a restatement of the definition of a valid argument. If all premises of an argument are true, and the conclusion is true, then the argument is valid because it meets the requirement that, if the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true for it to be considered valid. 2. a. A valid argument with true premises and a true conclusion: Argument: Premise 1: All cats are mammals. Premise 2: My pet is a cat. Conclusion: Therefore, my pet is a mammal. This argument is valid because the conclusion logically follows from the true premises. It's also sound because all the premises are true, and the conclusion is true.
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