


Georgia State University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by UltraAtom12527

__the ability to make predictions on someones moral or immoral choices they are prone to make Consistency with our experience of the moral life: __if we have not gone through certain experiences in our life then we have to question some of the theories that we are looking at Workability in real-life situations ___moral theories that are reliable with aiding us through moral problems in real life____ Two Important Theories In your own words, explain how utilitarianism decides whether an action is morally right or wrong. Then say how it fairs on each of the three criterion of adequacy. _i think utilitarianism decides wheter an action is morally right or wrong because it measures the amount of happiness it will bring once the decision is made ____ In your own words, explain how Kantian Ethics decides whether an action is morally right or wrong. Then say how it fairs on each of the three criterion of adequacy. _ifeel like the kantian ethics decides where and act is morally right or wrong because it has a universal rule that applies to every type of human and it doesnt regard context or situation
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