

University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign *

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Feb 20, 2024





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For the film: Me Before You Ethical Concepts #1: Consequentialism ï‚· The dilemma presented in the film "Me Before You" aligns well with the ethical concept of consequentialism. Consequentialism is a moral theory that evaluates the rightness or wrongness of an action based on its outcomes or consequences. According to consequentialism, the morally right action is the one that produces the best overall consequences, regardless of the motives or intentions behind the action. ï‚· In the film, the central ethical dilemma revolves around Will Traynor's decision to pursue assisted suicide. Will is a quadriplegic man who believes that his life has lost its quality and meaning due to his physical condition. He is contemplating assisted suicide as a way to end his suffering and maintain control over his life. From a consequentialist perspective, the moral evaluation of this decision would focus on the potential consequences of Will's action on both him and the people around him. ï‚· Consequentialism prompts viewers to consider the impact of Will's choice on his own well-being, the emotional well-being of his loved ones, and the broader implications of his decision within the context of society. The film portrays the moral complexity of this dilemma, with different characters holding differing views on the potential outcomes of Will's choice. Ethical Concepts #2: Virtue ï‚· The ethical concept of virtue ethics is relevant to the film "Me Before You" through the character development of Louisa Clark, the caregiver of Will Traynor. Virtue ethics emphasizes the importance of moral character and virtuous traits in guiding ethical decisions and actions. It focuses on developing and embodying virtuous qualities, such as compassion, empathy, and courage. ï‚· Louisa Clark's character exemplifies several virtuous traits throughout the film. She exhibits compassion and empathy towards Will, understanding his struggle with his disability and seeking to improve his quality of life. Her dedication and willingness to support Will despite the emotional challenges demonstrate her virtuous character. Additionally, virtue ethics encourages individuals to seek personal growth and strive for excellence in their actions. Louisa's growth throughout the film, as she confronts her fears and pushes the boundaries of her own limitations, reflects the principles of virtue ethics. Ethical Concept #3: Non-Consequentialism ï‚· Non-consequentialism is another ethical concept relevant to the film "Me Before You." Non-consequentialist ethical theories, in contrast to consequentialism, focus on the moral rightness or wrongness of actions based on factors other than the consequences alone. Non-consequentialist theories often emphasize moral principles, duties, or rights as foundational to ethical decision-making. ï‚· In the film, different characters hold varying ethical viewpoints regarding the morality of Will Traynor's choice to pursue assisted suicide. Some characters, such as his parents, are deeply concerned about the intrinsic value of human life and believe that it is inherently wrong to end one's life deliberately, regardless of the potential consequences. Non- consequentialist perspectives prompt viewers to consider the ethical implications of the
act itself, the motives behind the decision, and the moral principles at play, such as the duty to preserve human life. The film explores the clash between consequentialist and non-consequentialist viewpoints through the characters' moral deliberations and their attempts to persuade Will to change his mind.
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