1. Which of the following refers to the behaviors the medical professionals with moral
integrity are expected to exhibit?
a. Courtesy
b. Mores
c. Customs
d. Medical ethics
2. The three issues that determine an incident of battery are:
a. The patient has been given false information about a treatment.
b. The patient is judged incompetent to consent to treatment and has received improper
c. Care that the patient has refused is forced upon them without court authorization.
d. All of the above
3. The four major principles of medical ethics are:
a. Autonomy, beneficence, non-malfeasance and justice
b. Privacy, autonomy, beneficence and justice
c. Autonomy, beneficence, universality and justice
d. Autonomy, beneficence, non-malfeasance and morality
4. The definition of a double effect does not state that:
a. A double effect is a byproduct of non-malfeasance
b. The action being considered is in itself either morally
good or morally indifferent.
c. There was no direct intention to cause harm.