

Midwestern State University *

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Mechanical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by SuperHumanEelMaster1026

From ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016: Breathing Zone Outdoor Airflow. The outdoor airflow required in the breathing zone (Vbz) of the occupiable space or spaces in a ventilation zone shall be not less than the value determined in accordance with Equation Vbz = Rp * Pz + Ra * Az Where: Az=zone floor area, the net occupiable floor area of the ventilation zone, ft2 Pz=zone population, the number of people in the ventilation zone during use Rp=outdoor airflow rate required per person A. Use Table from ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016 provided on page 11 to determine Rp and Ra for a university laboratory . (Use cfm columns) Rp = People outdoor rate: ______10_ cfm / person Ra = Area outdoor rate: __0.18_____ cfm/ft 2 B. Determine outside air flow required based on the given occupancy and using area from length and width in Exercise #3 item #1 above. Pz = Occupancy = ___24______ persons Az = Area = L x W = ____38_ * __24____ = ___912_________square feet Calculate Rp * Pz and Ra * Az Rp * Pz = ___24_ persons * ___10__cfm/person = _____240____ cfm Ra * Az =______912__ Ft 2 * __0.18______ cfm /Ft 2 = ____164.16___ cfm Add Rp * Pz and Ra * Az to get Vbz (required outside air or Q outside ) in cfm Q outside = Vbz = Rp * Pz + Ra * Az = _240____ cfm + __164.16___ cfm = __404.16___ cfm
C. Determining outside air for measured and design air flows. Assume that the supply air is 20% outside air. Note: Very few HVAC systems will bring in 100% outside air so you will need to adjust the measured supply flow base on the percentage of outside air you are mixing with the return air Q total * 20% = Q outside Measured: Q total (From Practical Exercise #3 item #2 above) Q outside = _404.16_______ cfm * 0.2 = __2020.8_______ cfm Designed: Q total (From Practical Exercise #3 item #3 above) Q outside = ____330____ cfm * 0.2 = __66_______ cfm 24 occupants Do the measured and designed outside air flows meet the ASHRAE recommendation (From B)? (circle answer in Table 3.1 below) Table 3.1 Meets Criteria Needed % outside air Measured Y / N Designed Y / N What % outside air would meet the minimum outside air requirement? Calculate for measured and designed total flow rates. (Put answers in Table 3.1 above) (Q outside / Q total ) * 100 = % outside air needed Where: Q outside is the recommended outside air flow rate. Q total is the total air supplied to the room. Measured: (Q total From Practical Exercise #3 item #2 above and Q outside from Part B above) % outside air needed = ( _______ cfm / _______ cfm) * 100 = ______% Designed: (Q total From Practical Exercise #3 item #3 above and Q outside from Part B above) % outside air needed= ( _______ cfm / _______ cfm) * 100 = ______%
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