Chapt GPT Project



Michigan State University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by BailiffDangerCamel6

ChatGPT Project Name: Step 1: Access ChatGPT No work needed for this document. Step 1 is opening ChatGPT. Answer all prompts below in complete sentences. Step 2: Schedule Template You should have followed the prompts on D2L to create a “organize your Monday.” The output should be a table. Paste the table below and answer the following questions. TABLE: Step 2 Question 1: Do you think this table made by ChatGPT satisfies the conditions you gave it? Why or Why not? What do you like about the schedule? What don’t you agree with? Step 3: Your Own Schedule You have used some prompts to have ChatGPT create your own schedule for a Monday. Paste the table below and answer the following questions. TABLE: Step 3 Question 1: Paste 5 prompts that you gave ChatGPT below. (You may have used more than five, pick your favorite five prompts to share).
Step 3 Question 2: We are assuming ChatGPT didn’t get the schedule correct for you on the first try. What prompted you to make changes or revisions to the initial schedule given in the process? Step 3 Question 3: Iteration is the repetition of a process. When using ChatGPT, if the initial response isn’t satisfactory, you can refine your prompt or provide additional context. We did this for both schedules—when ChatGPT didn’t quite get it right for the schedule, we could ask it to “fix” the problem by giving it another prompt. How do you think this iterative process can be applied to other areas of your life or future projects? Step 4- Magic Square Step 4 Question 1: What is the original magic square given to you by ChatGPT to explain the 3x3 Magic Square? Type the numbers in the box Col1 Col2 Col3 Step 4 Question 2: What is the example magic square given to you by ChatGPT with magic constant 19? Type the numbers in the box below. Col1 Col2 Col3 Step 4 Question 3: Explain where the ChatGPT generated “magic square” with magic constant of 19 is incorrect? (ex, state something like “the first column adds to 21 not 19”.)
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