PHYS 224 HW #8



University of Louisville *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by CountStrawFerret26

A. Describe how you made the measurements using the images on the screen and the scale below them. Estimate the errors in the fringe spacing for each case, and then pair up the separation of the slit and its mirror image d with the spacing of the dark fringes Δx and report them here. The wavelength of the light responsible for the patterns would be lambda equals space left parenthesis capital delta x right parenthesis cross times left parenthesis d divided by ell right parenthesis λ = (Δx d / ℓ) as described on the class website. I made measurements by pasting the photos into a separate document where I could move/delete pictures to be able to line up the image given for the millimeters with the images of the experiment. From there I counted to the best of my ability the number of spaces within 0.01 mm and then divided that by the number I counted. For the last two I did it to 0.005 mm. 43= 0.01 mm 45= 0.005 mm 47= 0.002 mm 49= 0.00125 mm 51= 0.001 mm 53= 0.0007 mm 55= 0.000625 mm B. For each one, find a wavelength, then average them to give a mean value with a standard deviation for the set of data. Convert this average and its uncertainty to the commonly used units of angstroms, microns, and meters. 43= 0.01(0.508)/80mm= 0.0000635
45=0.005(1.54)/80= 0.00009625 47=0.002(0.254)/80= 0.00000635 49= 0.00125(0.3556)/80= 0.00000556 51= 0.001(0.4572)/80= 0.00000572 53= 0.0007(0.5588)/80= 0.00000489 55= 0.000625(0.6604)/80= 0.00000516 Average= 0.00002678 S.D.= 3.47 Avg. in Angstroms= 267.8 Microns= 0.02678 Meters= 0.00000002678 C. In the image for the dial reading 45, the white fringes are big and show obvious color. What is the ordering of the colors and why does that occur? Order of the colors from L to R= Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. This occurs from the differing wavelengths of the colors.
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