Module 4 Intro To Tchng Stu W_Disabilities



Touro College *

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Jan 9, 2024





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1. What should Ms. Grelak's next steps be with Gabriel? Do you agree that Ms. Grelak should refer Allen for a special education evaluation? Why or why not ? Ms.Grelak’s first steps should be to evaluate her instruction, assess the student and think about the student's learning environment. In Gabriel’s case, Ms. Grelak should evaluate if her instruction is “culturally relevant and appropriate, being taught in different ways or in a more intensive manner and if the student's language acquisition is being supported” (Bryant, P. et al., 2020, p.116). Ms. Grelak should also assess the student, in the case of Gabriel she should think about if he is “ allowed to demonstrate his learning in multiple ways” (Bryant, P. et al., 2020, p.116). Ms. Grelak should also evaluate the learning environment and if only one student is struggling or if all of her students are struggling. Once evaluating herself as an instructor she will be better able to understand where the disconnect is. Ms. Grelak’s next steps with Gabriel should be to understand why he isn’t learning material and why Gabriel is struggling. Then she should consider her instruction, assessment and the learning environment. The passage stated Gabriel missed almost a month of school in the second-grade year, which means he will be behind in that material. The material being taught for that month is important to know and understand to move onto the rest of the lessons. The case study stated Gabriel is still reading at a first grade level which can be linked to his transition into a different country. Gabriel should be also tested in his language to see if he is understanding it overall but not understanding it in English. Also, Ms.Grelak should think of ways to provide culturally responsive and relevant instruction in both English and Spanish to catch him up to speed. She should use an RTL framework to better understand if Gabriel needs extra help or does have a learning disability. It is stated in the text that “this process ensures that when a student is identified as having a learning disability, the learning disability is due to a true difficulty and not just to cultural and linguistic differences” (Bryant, P. et al., 2020, p.109). If Gabriel is not able to grasp concepts in his own language then further testing is needed. Gabriel might be having trouble concentrating because there might be a disconnect in translation of languages. In the textbook, it explains some troubles EL’s may have with language acquisition which explains one reason for difficulty as;“Learning in a second language is mentally exhausting; therefore, ELs may seem to have difficulty concentrating at times” (Bryant, P. et al., 2020, p.112). If Gabriel can not fully understand what is being said while it’s being taught, that may lead to a lack of concentration and possibly frustration.
For the case study of Allen, I believe it may be premature for Allen to receive a referral for a special education evaluation. The text states that “too often, explanations for students’ underachievement and inappropriate placement in special education have focused on perceived limitations in students’ homes and communities”(Bryant, P. et al., 2020, p.108). The text also states that Allen is well-mannered, good-natured and popular among his peers, which leaves me to believe he is doing well socially but not academically. I believe in the case of Allen, Ms.Grelak should consider how Allen learns information best and how to incorporate that in her lesson planning while considering overrepresentation for special education. Ms.Grelak should also consider what other factors of Allen’s life have an affect on his learning and focus. 2. What advice would you give Ms. Grelak about instruction for English learners with learning problems? General advice I would give Ms.Grelak about her instruction for English learners with learning problems is to provide “focused reading interventions coupled with language development activities, such as the use of repetitive language, modeling, gesturing, visuals, and explicit instruction in English language usage” (Bryant, P. et al., 2020,p.118). Ms.Grelak should make language development the primary goal in lessons while providing “culturally responsive instruction in positive, supportive learning environments” (Bryant, P. et al., 2020,p.119). .. Language development should be an essential goal of instruction, whether in students’ L1, in English, or in both (Bryant, P. et al., 2020,p.116) “ELs are entitled to specialized education programs that not only provide content but also ensure that they develop English proficiency” (p. 106). CLD students with and without disabilities benefit from culturally responsive instruction in positive, supportive learning environments. Students thrive when they are valued and cared about, when their strengths are recognized and used in the service of their learning, when their achievement is carefully monitored, and when they are provided with appropriate instruction and effective, timely support when needed. For ELs, instruction includes a strong oral language component.
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