Application Assignment Rubric and description Option 31



Eastern University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by AmbassadorSeaUrchin3754

Choice #3 Design a language building activity for a specific age group. You will share the activity in a brief video you create and upload. In the video demo, you will provide a description of how the activity builds skills in the following ways: Vocabulary, Expressive/Receptive language, social language, pragmatics, academic language, grammar, etc. and cite evidence of why this aligns with best practices. Guidelines: You are to design and demonstrate one language building activity for a particular skill or age/grade level. Record yourself demonstrating the activity as you would if delivering this in a classroom. You will then spend a few minutes describing how the activity aligns with the following: 1. Which one (or more if it applies to more) of the aspects of language development does your activity foster? 2. How can the material be utilized for children of diverse cultural, language, ability levels? How would you expect the different children to engage/participate/ use it differently? 3. How does the activity align with best practices as described in our course material or other scholarly resources? 4. What might you as the teacher learn about the child’s development by observing a child using this material (think assessment)? Rubric: Heading Above Standard (5 points) At Standard (3-4 points) Needs Developed (0-2 points) Student’ s Score Creativity & Accuracy Language activity was engaging and helped to strongly support language skills appropriate to the age level identified. Language activity was generally engaging and helped to generally support language skills appropriate to the age level identified. Language activity was not engaging and/or did not clearly support language skills appropriate to the age level identified. /5 points Clearly aligned Age/Ability level while respecting differences in culture and linguistic background Student was able to clearly articulate how the activity aligns with various ages/ability levels. Activity is respectful/resp onsive to families with cultural and linguistic differences. Student was able to generally articulate how the activity aligns with various ages/ability levels. Activity is somewhat respectful/respo nsive to families with cultural and linguistic differences. Student was not able to clearly articulate how the activity aligns with various ages/ability levels. Activity is not respectful/respo nsive to families with cultural and linguistic differences. /5 points Connection with Course Materials Several (at least 5) specific references were made Some (at least 3) specific references were made linking the activity to Few or no references were made linking the activity to ideas and /5 points
linking the activity to ideas and concepts in class discussions & class reading materials ideas and concepts in class discussions & class reading materials concepts in class discussions & class reading materials Connection with Development/Asse ssment Student was able to clearly articulate what a teacher might learn about the child’s development by observing a child using this material Student was able to generally articulate what a teacher might learn about the child’s development by observing a child using this material Student was not able to clearly articulate what a teacher might learn about the child’s development by observing a child using this material /5 points
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