Why would infant attention be captured by Baby Einstein?
There are multiple visual stimuli, such as the contrast between black and white, moving images, some
with color, and different auditory stimuli with music, talking, and different languages
What was missing from the video that might have been added?
There were no human faces, can’t touch or taste.
Indicate whether you think infant time spent viewing each other following types of video
will be correlated significantly (positively OR negatively) with language development scores
Watching baby videos (like Baby Einstein)
Watching adult TV
Watching child educational TV (like Sesame Street)
Watching child non-educational TV (like Sponge Bob)
Having no media exposure
What was the relationship between watching baby videos and early language development?
Fairly small correlation between TV/videos. Child edu TV had the highest expressive
language correlation
What was the strongest predictor of early language development in the Zimmerman et al.
(2007) study?
Reading stories and talking to your child.
Does viewing infant videos appear to be an easy and effective way to increase vocabulary?
There is no difference between DVD and no DVD groups
What do the DeLoache et al. (2010) findings suggest as the best method for increasing
vocabulary early in life?
Parent teaching > video with interaction = video with no interaction = control