We may obtain some background information if we were to collect all the information from the teacher
regarding the reasons behind Tanya's referral to the social worker. To evaluate Tanya's actions, using Tool
1G: Responding to Concerns. You can accomplish this by keeping an eye on her during recess and in
class. I can attempt to ascertain Tanya's nervousness and the reason behind her behavior toward her
peers. One might utilize Tool 2B: I'm a Star to learn more about Tanya, including her needs and desires.
In addition to helping me get to know Tanya better, this can also help me discover her strengths.
I can engage in conversation with her about her interests while paying close attention to her answers and
urging her to open to me about herself. Tanya's responses to the questions from the I'm a Star tool can
be evaluated by me using those open-ended questions.
I would take Tanya's culture into account before scheduling a meeting. Given that she is Hispanic, it is
possible that her inability to communicate with others stems from linguistic hurdles. Her conduct and
interactions with others may also be impacted by her cultural ideas and conventions. Her community's
resources could be scarce or nonexistent, and her family might offer little to no help. Tanya's beliefs and
actions could be influenced by her cultural differences. Her actions in class and around other people may
result from this. We also need to investigate Tanya's past for any traumas or events that might have
influenced her to act in this way.