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May 30, 2024





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CHCLEGO01 Work Legally and Ethically « Breaching policy and protocols + Advocacy issues You might also have issues and concern with work and pay conditions. Be familiar with your EBA. EBA is Enterprise Bargaining Agreement that state what you are entitled to as 2 worker when it comes to your salary and the conditions in which you complete your job role. If you have any issues, you must immediately inform your supervisor and follow the policy in the workplace in handling legal issues. Make sure all facts and evidence are collected in unbiased way and documented correctly. Gather information in the most objective and accurate way. Make sure all legal avenues are followed and at all times if unsure at any point, you should always consult a legal practitioner and remember your legal limitation as a health service personnel. Keep in mind you are not a legal practitioner and thus are not qualified to give any legal advice. 1.3 Adhere to legal requirements Health care workers have obligations to their employer to make sure they adhere to all policy and procedures in their workplace. Here are some helpful hints to help you adhere to workplace policies: = Written communication - all written communications such as care plans, assessment forms must only be used for the purpose intended. All information must be accurate, clear, objective and concise. Always keep all data in a locked cupboard and keep all information confidential. = Working safely everyone in the workplace must know their WHS policy and follow it. Emergency protocols must be followed at all times. If there are some new workers that are not aware of these protocols a supervisor must be informed immediately for training to be provided. If there are any'issues that arise with work safety it is vital to T report to your WHS representative, = Discrimination at any time you feel like you cannot work with a specific worker you must speak to your supervisor so it can be dealt with straight away. If you feel like people are discriminating against you, you must inform your supervisor of the issue. NFT Version 2.0 August 2017 CHC33015 Certificate lll in Indivi Learner Guide (Ageing, Home and Scanned with CamScanner
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