Week 5



Campbellsville University *

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Information Systems


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by ProfWaterSeaUrchin13

Discuss the ethical questions relating to autonomous drones. Provide examples and support your answers with references if needed Drone technology is constantly advancing, and one of the leading developments in drone technology includes creating autonomous, artificial intelligence-powered drones. Drones have a wide range of possible applications, including deliveries, law enforcement, agriculture, entertainment, and construction. However, the use of self-driving drones raises a variety of ethical issues that need to be thoroughly investigated and addressed, just as with any technology. Concerns like privacy, safety, liability, accessibility, etc. are only a few of them. When it comes to the issue of privacy, autonomous drones outfitted with cameras and sensors can collect massive amounts of data, they can take pictures and videos of people without their consent, allowing them to misuse their personal information and thereby possibly invade people's privacy. For instance, imagine a drone used for surveillance, such as monitoring public locations or private properties, can raise issues about invasion of privacy (Wilson, 2014). Consequently, precise norms and restrictions on data collection, storage, and usage are required to avoid unlawful surveillance and safeguard personal privacy. Physical safety is another major ethical concern of autonomous drones. Drones may fly long distances and carry hefty payloads, raising concerns about the possibility of accidents and harm to people and property (Wang, et. al 2021). Drones may also collide with other aircraft or objects, which could result in disastrous effects. Similarly, there can be risks associated with safety if autonomous drones malfunction or are compromised as a result of software or hardware glitch. Imagine a drone operated without human intervention, the flaws in software could cause accidents, damage to property or danger to human life. For instance, if different companies decide to start flying drones over cities for commercial or delivery purposes, these drones must navigate safely, avoiding obstacles and pedestrians to minimize the risks of accidents. In situations like this, governments will be left with no choice but to expand the regulations that govern the safe operation of drones (Marr, 2020) Furthermore, establishing responsibility and culpability in cases with autonomous drones may be challenging. Because autonomous drones are operated without human intervention, it may be challenging to pin down who is to blame if one causes injury, killing or breaches the law (Wilson, 2014). If accidents or improper use of drones occur, it is debatable whether drone users, manufacturers, or software developers should be held responsible. To deal with these issues, a unique legal structure and liability rules must be developed. References Marr, B. (2020). Tech Trends in Practice: The 25 technologies that are driving the 4th Industrial Revolution. John Wiley & Sons. Wang, N., Christen, M., & Hunt, M. (2021). Ethical considerations associated with “humanitarian drones”: A scoping literature review. Science and engineering ethics, 27(4), 51. Wilson, R. L. (2014, May). Ethical issues with use of drone aircraft. In 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Response 1 Thank you so much for this post. I’d like to add that questions around accessibility and equity can arise when it comes to autonomous drones. The introduction of self-driving drones could heighten already- existing social inequities. If access to autonomous drone technology is confined to specific companies or countries, it may deepen the difference between those who have sophisticated skills and those who do not. It is critical to ensure equitable distribution and use of autonomous drones in order to avoid further marginalization or bias. Also, it can be difficult to determine who is responsible and accountable for the acts of autonomous drones. It is important to construct legal frameworks that specify culpability and identify who should be held accountable in cases of accidents, property damage, or injuries (Lin et. al, 2014). For instance, determining liability and insurance coverage in the event that a delivery drone causes property damage might be challenging. References Lin, P., Abney, K., & Bekey, G. A. (2014). Robot ethics: the ethical and social implications of robotics. MIT press. Response 2 You have raised valid concerns about the ethical implications of autonomous drones. In addition to the point you raised about the potential for criminal use of autonomous drones. Precautions should be taken to prevent drones from being used for dubious purposes like drug trafficking or unlawful monitoring. By enhancing drone surveillance and identification systems, authorities can spot and discourage criminal drone activity. Additionally, there are social effects related to autonomous drones. Autonomous drones can have a variety of negative social effects, including the loss of jobs, disruption of the economy, and changes in how war is fought. It is essential to take into account the wider social implications and potential disparities brought about by the use of autonomous drone technology. For instance, the deployment of autonomous drones for activities currently carried out by people, such as package delivery or aerial surveillance, may result in employment losses and economic hardship for the local populations. Therefore, ongoing conversations are necessary to establish ethical frameworks that guide the responsible and suitable development of autonomous drone technology. Reference Stansbury, R. S., Olds, J. L., & Coyle, E. J. (2014, June). Ethical Concerns of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems in Engineering Programs. In 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 24-538).
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