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Information Systems


Apr 26, 2024





Uploaded by CorporalMoon14247

Deborah Vann MIS 101 SP23 Assignment 1 Who is Pluralsight and what do they do? Pluralsight is an online tech training company. They offer courses on various tech and business topics to individuals and onboarding and training to organizations. Go online to and search for a course you might be interested in taking: Time Management for Technical Professionals What is attractive to you about online training? Online training allows for flexibility in scheduling. Training from the comfort of my home at a convenient time is the most attractive aspect. I also appreciate the self-paced format of most online courses; if I am short on free time, I can set it aside until more critical tasks are completed. What advice would you give executives at Pluralsight if they wanted to grow their business? Providing newer technology skills courses geared toward older individuals could be lucrative. How could they increase their revenues? Pluralsight could increase revenues by targeting an often-forgotten segment of the population has significant purchasing power. Why would corporate clients be interested in online technology training for their employees? With the increased popularity of remote work in the last few years, more of the workforce is no longer working in the office. There are many advantages to having an online training program, it is much easier to train a remote workforce remotely, and there is no need to reserve office space for training.
What is the technology skills gap and why does it exist? There is an ever-increasing need for workers with tech skills, and the talent available for hire is getting smaller. Many employed individuals need adequate training to update and advance their tech-related job skills. Many need more time or money to invest in job skills. How might a traditional university benefit from a partnership with Pluralsight? Students demand two things from universities these days: fundamental, applicable job skills and online courses. Pluralsight could benefit financially and socially from partnering with a well-known university. The university would be able to offer a broader range of online courses in subjects that currently are in desperate need of educators, teaching skills employers desire today. Why might some universities see such a partnership as a threat? They might view this partnership as a threat because they would have to share profits from online enrollment. Suppose you were considering buying stock in Pluralsight. What types of threats might Pluralsight face in the future? Pluralsight will have to stay on the cutting edge of tech to stay competitive. They will face threats from new companies entering the market and rivalries with current competitors.
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