Genre Passages
I remember that Friday afternoon, I came home from work eager to take over the weekend with my
family as planned. When my phone rings, I look at the caller ID and as instinct, I immediately look for my
bags before I even answered the phone. Inside me, I knew I was leaving that weekend and I was right;
COVID-19 has planned the weekend for me. I was going out of town for temporary duty as part of the
Coronavirus Task Force in support of US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) COVID-19 Response Efforts.
Case Study:
COVID-19 is a new strain of novel coronavirus (nCov) that can cause illness from common cold to severe
acute respiratory syndrome. The virus is spreading easily around the US with a death toll above the
50,000 people. The USACE COVID-19 Response Efforts are providing an engineer solution plan by
building alternate care facilities to treat the influx of COVID-19 patients throughout the nation. USACE
deployed multiple assets around the nation to help with response efforts. USACE has built over 1,100
care facilities and provided over 15,000 beds as of today.
Business Report:
USACE requested a three-man team to augment the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) personal. The
team will work with the Coronavirus Task Force in support of USACE COVID-19 Response Efforts. A
detailed report has been submitted considering two Courses of Actions (COA) to support the request.
Below is a summary of the COAs:
COA 1: The team will be deployed Sunday to have enough time to find leaving accommodations and
report to the EOC on Monday morning.
COA 2:
The team will arrange to leave accommodations and transportation on Sunday and be deployed
Monday morning. The team will report to the EOC as soon as they arrive at the temporary duty location.