Module 7 Review Questions



Youngstown State University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Industrial Engineering


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by DeanBaboon3865

1. The bullwhip effect 1s characterized by: A_ ordening patterns that experience increasing variance as you proceed downstream in the chain. IB ordering patterms that EXperience 1Ncreasing vararnce as vou QfOCCCd upstréam in the Ch&lfll C. purchasing patterns that experience mncreasing varnance downstream in the chain. D. purchasing patterns that experience decreasing variance as you proceed upstream in the chain. o Which of the following changes would decrease the likelithood of the bullwhip effect? A. changing the mix of items in an order B. sending partial shipments of an order |C. instituting a policv of no discounts or promotions | D. sending late deliveries of an order 3. An internal cause of disruption in the supply chain 1s: | A. torecast error. | B. underfilled shipments. C. volume changes. D. late deliveres. 4. An external cause of disruption caused in the supply chain 1s: A. product or sales promotions. B. new product or service introduction. I'C late deliveries. | D. engineering changes. 5. Possible internal causes of supply chain disruptions are: A late deliveries. |_B._machine breakdowns or inexperienced workers. | C. product and service mix changes. D. underfilled shipments.
6. A company adopts the supply chain strategy of contracting with a number of geographically dispersed suppliers just 1n case prices rise in one part of the world. This approach 1s known as: A. price hopping. | B. hedging. | C. outsourcing. D. futures. 7. One electronics manufacturer manages risk by making agreements with factories well 1n advance to guarantee productive capacity at an agreed price. If their product 1s popular, then they can use that productive capacity during an otherwise busy season at a lower cost. Such an agreement could best be described as: LLA. a futures contract. | B. low-cost hopping. C. theory of constraints management. D. the bullwhip effect. 8. The product development team ensures compatibility of the proposed product with corporate strategy and regulatory standards in the: A design stage. |_B. analvsis stage. | C. development stage. D. full launch stage. 9. The stage of new service or product development at which personnel are tramned and some pilot runs can be conducted to look for possible problems in production 1s called: A design B. analvsis. LC. development. | D. full launch. 10. A new product development team that 1s composed of product and process engineers, marketers, quality specialists, and buyers that work together to make sure the new product can actually be built 1s engaging n: LA. concurrent engineering. | B. joint application development. C. reverse logistics. D. core process design.
[11.-13] Use the following to answer the questions below. The Steele Bike Company has completed a total cost analysis for two suppliers of bicycle frames to support their business. They also consider on-time speed, top quality and customization 1n their selection process. Each criterion 1s given a weight (total = 100 points), and each supplier 1s scored on each criterion (1 = poor, 10 = excellent). The data are shown in the following table. CRITERION WEIGHT ACME STATE Total Cost 15 8 = On-Time Delivery 20 5 7 Top Quality 30 7 6 Customization 35 = 6 11. Refer to the mnstruction above. Using the preference matrix approach for selecting suppliers, what 1s State's total weighted score? A 570 B. 100 C. 23 12. Refer to the mnstruction above. Using the preference matrix approach for selecting suppliers, what 1s Acme's total weighted score? A. 100 C. 24 D. 590 13. Refer to the instruction above. Using the preference matrix (total weighted score) approach for selecting suppliers, which supplier should Steele select? State | Acme Either 1s acceptable—their preference matrix scores are the same. More information 1s needed to make this decision. O O wpe
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