4-1 Activity, Bias in Primary Sources



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Jorgo Qendro Professor Volkman HIS-100 November 13 th , 2023 HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Bias in Primary Sources Locate an additional primary source relevant to your historical event. Use it and the primary source you identified in a previous module to answer the questions below. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. Source One Conduct source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event. Attempt to write the APA style citation for your first primary source and include a link to it. You will not be penalized for incorrect format. [Lotha, G. (2023, November 9). Haitian revolution. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Haitian-Revolution] Respond to the following questions: Who authored or created the primary source? [Lorraine Murray published the initial article, while The Editors of Encyclopaedia Editors have made changes.] What was the author’s position in society at the time the primary source was created? [Lorraine Murray was Associate Editor for Encyclopædia Britannica, specializing in small island states, scattered US states, Australia, and New Zealand, and North and South Korea. She was also Manager of Advocacy for Animals.]
When was the primary source created? [April 1 st , 2016.] Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized? [The primary source was created/published in April 2016, to recall the Haitian Revolution which took place between 1791-1804. The article was edited most recently on November 9 th , 2023, in which Gloria Lotha added a website link to the article regarding Toussaint Louverture.] Who was the intended audience for the primary source? [Any interested party, for historical reason or for public research.] Why was the primary source created? [To describe in detail, the history and background of the Haitian Revolution for public consumption.] Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source? [In this source we can see the perspective of the Haitians who fought for their Independence between 1791 and 1804.] Source Two Conduct a source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event. Attempt to write the APA style citation for your second primary source and include a link to it. You will not be penalized for incorrect format. [ The Louverture Project (TLP). (2000). Haitian Constitution of 1801 (C. Theodore, Trans.). The Louverture Project. (Original work published in 1801). ] Respond to the following questions: Who authored or created the primary source?
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