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Apr 3, 2024





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1 Michael Wright Jr Grand Canyon University History – 450 Professor Eric Morgenson February 13, 2024 Benchmark – Research Paper
2 The Cold War The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension begun between the United States and the Soviet Union with their allies the Free Block (Capitalist Block) and the Communist block (Eastern Block). Historians did not agree with its beginning or its ending but, it has been very much associated with the announcement of the Truman Doctrine on March 12, 1947, and the ending with the Soviet Union’s split on December 26, 1991. The era is very much used due to the deficiency of colossal aggression between the superpowers at the time of the United States and the Soviet Union at the same time due to their personal support of consequential regional delegate conflicts or wars (House, 2014, Rosato, 2021). The developments of the Cold War had helped shape the global landscape through various elements that played a major factor, including the crisis such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Berlin airlift and blockade, the Korean War, and involvement in NATO and WARSAW. With the Cold War beginning, the United States and Soviet Union desired to increase their dominance across the world, as a result global politics was affected as well. With the West uniting under the alliance of NATO in April of 1949, the East had joined forces with the Warsaw alliance that was created in 1955. NATO planned to protect the interest of its members from the communist threat with Warsaw focusing on NATO (House, 2014; Rosato, 2021). The Berlin Airlift
3 The Berlin Airlift was one of the first major international crisis that occurred from June 1948 to May 1949 during the Cold War. Airlift of food products to western Germany against the blockade by Stalin was intellectual and political as well as it was a systematic success for the United States and for the West. Reason being is Western Berlin was cemented as a region that was syndicated under the United States minus of capitalist framework and shaping global politics from Germany’s political administrative trends (Schick, 2016). The complicated dynamics of the Berlin Crisis, including the perilous misunderstandings between the two parties that resulted in the prolonged impasse and the freezing of Germany, thereby preventing it from moving forward and stalling progress in the nation. One of the major crises that shaped the Cold War and the eventual shift in global politics was the Berlin Blockade. For instance, it is essential to provide specifics regarding events such as Stalin's blockade of West Germany and the United States' subsequent airlift of food supplies to the region with the assistance of other West-aligned nations like France. In addition, recognizing the psychological and political significance of the airlift developments aids comprehension of the perception that the West had defeated the Soviet Union during the cold war. Despite the potentially dangerous misunderstandings, the confrontation did indeed benefit the United States. As a result, the resource is essential to the study because it examines important aspects of the cold war that had a significant impact on global politics, particularly regarding Germany, a former superpower that fell after the Second World War. The Korean War When the United States became involved with the Korean War in June of 1950 to July 1953, it was to contain and not escalate the problem between North and South Korea. With the help of
4 the United Nations the U.S. realized that they could easily take out North Korea from South Korean territories. Also, they considered dethroning North Korea’s Government in the pursuit to dimmish communism in the country (Ripsman et al., 2016). The Korean War emerged as a surrounding factor of the Cold War, the United States and United Nations engagement helped stimulate NATO to create the military’s structure. Diverging country opinions mainly involved with Britain did not stop the expedition of the militaries structure and formation. The neoclassical realism theory it was used to interpret international politics. the United States, with the assistance of the United Nations, took advantage of the situation after pushing the North Koreans further away from South Korea and decided to target their regime rather than attempting to stop North Korea from destabilizing South Korea. While these attempts served as a warning to North Korea and the Soviet Union to remain within their boundaries, China's entry to push UN forces further from their territories introduced a new perspective on the cold war. It broadened the communist community's reach. This research relies heavily on this in-depth explanation and dissection of the events, particularly regarding the United States' participation in the Korean War. An important aspect the Cold War, the United States' involvement in the North Korean conflict, and China's inclusion as a communist nation. The Cuban Missile Crisis The Soviet Union was weary of the possibility of the United States attacking Cuba, despite Cuba being a communist controlled nation the United States was to stop the growth of Communism in Europe. Also, in 1962 Russia elected to the use of Cuba as its base for nuclear missiles, in which unveiled the United States to an instantaneous missile threat, with the closeness of Cuba and its
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