Week 8 - Final Research Paper



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Dec 6, 2023





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Battle 1 Genisis Battle Dr. Reba Businsky HRMT427 November 1, 2022 Week 8 - Final Research Paper (Japan) As a member of my organization’s human resource team, I have been asked to investigate establishing human resource operation in the country of my choice. I have chosen to explore the country of Japan. This report will include several aspects like a description of the country’s culture, the workforce security concerns, and processes for employee engagement. There are a lot of moving parts that go into establishing operations overseas and in the end will be an appropriate HR structure that complies with Japan’s legal and cultural requirements. To begin, workforce security is basically the process to protect an employee from work related illness and injury and to make the workplace (building etc) secure from intruders. (“Safety & Security in the Workplace: Ultimate Guide | Kisi,” n.d.) Japan’s employment security is unique compared to any of the other nations and loyalty is very important to the Japanese culture. They take care of their employees every chance they get because they have pride in their employees and do not want to lose them. Calling out and having low morale are simply unacceptable due to the amount of effort they go through to ensure the employees feel secured. Many Japanese firms only promote people who are already a part of the company, as a result many of the employees stay with the same company for their entire life. Even the most prestigious of companies try to recruit and retain their workers by giving them the best benefits and trying to offer lifetime job security.
Battle 2 Recruitment and staffing can be a difficult task in any country. “Japanese candidates usually prefer to be contacted by recruiters who they trust and recognize or companies that they have dealt past relationships with as they are less comfortable with unknown recruiters. On top of this, the Japanese disapprove of direct communication and cold calling, which makes the process of connecting with and persuading a candidate much more complicated” (Maria, 2016) To find the best staff for my company’s HR operations, I would first begin to immerse myself into the culture. It is important to be respectful of their language and culture. Through research, I have discovered that the Japanese are not likely to respond to social media or direct approach as much as an American would. I would do my best to network and find other businesses that may be able to help with my recruiting. Once I have fully been able to grasp the knowledge that I need and be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of their culture, recruits will be more likely to trust me and become a part of this HR operation we are trying to establish. Once I have found the proper staff, it is on to employee engagement. “Employee engagement is a growing concern in Japan, as businesses seek to promote employee satisfaction and productivity.” (Wellness, 2022) The benefits of employee engagement include increased productivity, reduced turnover and conflict, and increased morale. The Japanese usually rank the engagement of their employees as top priority in their companies, and I plan to do the same. There will be one or two people who are specifically in charge of these things who will be in house. Having face-to-face communication will have a better acceptance rate for the Japanese than trying to do things abroad. Things like incentive systems, recognition programs, and leadership development programs are a great way to enhance employee engagement. Anything to keep high morale and make sure that the workers plan on staying with the company as long as we possibly can, will always be our number one priority. Pay raises to the hard workers,
Battle 3 recognition to the ones who provide outstand performances and accomplishments and giving all training need for leadership to prosper will be the option. Expatriates are individuals who are employed by a company and sent overseas to do their job. For this operation, I plan on having at a minimum of three expatriates to begin with. One to fill each position of payroll, benefits and HR admin. I will have each of them as an assistant to myself in the training of the new recruits. This leadership position will be offered at a minimum of one year. After the year is up, I will give them a one time offer to stay in Japan or to go back stateside to their previous job positions. Prior to them relocating, they will have to attend a World Culture class on Japan and be certified with training in the department that they will be the head of. Learning the culture is very important, especially dealing with a country like Japan. The relocation of the expatriate, and family if wiling, will be covered by the company as well as any other expenses that may need to be taken care of in the move. As for anything outside of the move, (i.e food, or hotel if a layover occurs) the expatriate will be expected to pay for it but will be reimbursed after their first two months of working. As stated, once their year is up, if they choose to stay then they will be offered to hold their position. If they choose to relocate back to their homes, the company will also pay the cost of the families return home and the same rules will apply as when they came over to work with us. Japan has one of the most unique cultures of all. “Japanese culture is ancient and is filled with rites and traditions to honor the family. Because Japan is an island country, it was able to moderate the influence of other cultures for centuries. This allowed a distinct culture and heritage to develop for the beautiful Land of the Rising Sun.” (“Japanese Culture • FamilySearch,” 2021) Traditional Japanese homes have a certain element that makes them different. They keep altars and shrines for paying respect to loved ones. They also have rush-and-cloth flooring called
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