Exploring the Impact of Earth Day Events on Climate Change



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Jun 9, 2024





Uploaded by DrExploration10141

HIS 100 Module Three Activity Template: Revising Questions Identify the topic you chose to explore: My historical research topic is the creation of Earth Day. Identify a historical perspective that could be applied to your historical event. The first Earth Day event spread so much awareness that there were many laws put in place after it was held. Laws like the Clean Air Act help protect people from emissions that are being put out into the air that we breathe every day. Having this law put into effect, it has dramatically reduced the pollution in the air over time. Awareness events, such as Earth Day have proven to get people excited and work together to make a change. Before 1970, people viewed the earth as something so immense that human beings couldn’t possibly influence the earth’s health. Very few people at the time didn’t even view our planet as a living organism. “Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity” (Earth Day, n.d.). Revise your research question based on evidence from your primary and secondary sources. What are the effects of learning about Earth Day in schools have on climate change? Are holding Earth Day events still an effective way to spread awareness about climate change? Based on the research that I have done so far; I think the primary and secondary sources that I have chosen will support my research question. My primary source is an interview with Denis Hayes, the coordinator of the first Earth Day. My secondary source is an article about how Earth Day events in schools help students have a better understand about ways to help our planet. Explain how historical perspective and evidence from sources influenced your finalized research question. Back in 1970, people weren’t fully aware of the environmental damage that was taking place. Now, most people have some knowledge about pollution, recycling, etc. Rallies took place across the country, and by the end of the year, the U.S. government had created the Environmental Protection Agency” (Davidson, n.d.). I wonder if holding Earth Day events still brings awareness or do people not care because they won’t see the lasting effects in their lifetime? Resources: Davidson, R. (n.d.). History of Earth Day. National Geographic. https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/celebrations/article/earth-day Earth Day. (n.d.). The History of Earth Day . Earth Day. https://www.earthday.org/history/? gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu7XI29qygQMVCzrUAR3EzQAxEAAYASAAEgK24vD_BwE 1
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