IHP 604 3-1 short paper ML



Southern New Hampshire University *

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IHP 604


Health Science


Jan 9, 2024





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3-1 Short Paper: Joint Commission Standards and Dashboards Meredith Lindberg Southern New Hampshire University IHP 604 Dr. Brophy October 8, 2023
3-1 Short Paper: Joint Commission Standards and Dashboards Insights from dashboards: ABC Residential Center could use the data presented in the dashboard to find insights related to their operations or quality of care. In reviewing the data presented on the dashboard, ABC Residential Center can compare their data to the national and state average by the month. This gives ABC Residential Center an opportunity to understand whether they are meeting the national and state average in this benchmark. It will also be able to display if they are above or below national and state averages. This will start the conversation about how and what to implement to see a change which will improve their benchmarking percentages. It would also be beneficial to compare each month to decide why there is a variation in percentages. What were they doing right in February, and what is falling short in other months, reviewing more information that leads to these numbers such as what were our staffing levels? How many patients did we have? Benchmarks have become a new industry-wide standard on rating any healthcare facility. “Health care organizations increasingly depend on business intelligence tools, including “dashboards,” to capture, analyze, and present data on performance metrics. Ideally, dashboards allow users to quickly visualize actionable data to inform and perfect clinical and organizational performance. (Helminski et al., 2022) Dashboard techniques: The visual techniques which were used for ABC Residential Center supplied the reviewer to gain an understanding of each graph each month about the bench marking data about two patient identifiers. The national average benchmarking bar graph is in blue. ABC Residential Center bar graph has three assorted colors used to highlight the data they are providing. The
three colors which were used were green, yellow, and red to prove where the facility is succeeding and where is needs improvement. The State bar graft has used orange to show the state average per month. The line graph is the same data from all three contributors in one graph. The data is represented by assorted colors for each individual benchmark. The gray line is the national average, The blue line is the ABC Residential Center is the blue line and the orange line is for the State benchmark data. Being able to view this graph in one showing the peaks and the lows makes it extremely easy for people to understand. The last graph is a radar graph which is harder to visualize the data points. Dashboards have a way of being and displaying crucial data which can aid upper management in making effective changes within the facility. Determining benchmarks: When deciding benchmarks for ABC Residential Center the National Patient Safety Goals should be reviewed. ABC Residential Center must have a policy and procedures which are clearly said on the expectation to obtain twp patient identifiers. Having this policy in place will help all employees and management teams to refer to the policy if ever any confusion was present. “The intent of the requirement is to reliably identify the individual as the person for whom the service or treatment is intended and to match the service or treatment to that individual.” ( Two Patient Identifiers - Understanding the Requirements , 2022) Unfortunately the joint commission says a patient's bracelet cannot be a patient identifier nor can a patient's room number. The only acceptable identifiers would be the patient’s name, date of birth, telephone number or if the patient were given an identification number. There should be a section where it specifies how to find a patient who is unable to communicate. This process needs to be communicated to the staff so that the staff can properly identify the patients. I think a goal for
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