Professional Dispositions Statement



Grand Canyon University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Health Science


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by CommodoreOkapiMaster909

Professional Dispositions Statement As a special educator, I will be devoted to upholding the professional and ethical dispositions expected of me within the field of education and in my community. I believe all students are capable of learning through the implementation of varying instructional measures and should be treated with the utmost dignity and respect at all times. Being a special educator, I aim to lead with empathy and compassion towards all my students, ensuring I am a thoughtful and responsive listener while also considering student differences, including, but not limited to, culture, race, ethnicity, language barriers, and learning needs. While working in the field, I will assume all responsibility placed on me, including lesson planning, implementation, and assessment of student data to inform future lessons and student goals. Being a special educator involves effective collaboration between myself, other educators, support service providers, administrators, students, and their families. This means being willing to receive active feedback on my teaching and lessons, as well as taking the information provided to me by students and using this to adjust and revise lesson plans ethically and appropriately. To uphold these dispositions each day, I will ensure that I am punctual at work, maintain professional attire, and lead with honesty in all aspects of the profession. My self-assessment works to support the professional disposition statement above by portraying my level of agreeance with each of the professional disposition criteria and translating that data into how I plan to treat each of my students, staff, and families while working in the field. By strongly agreeing and agreeing with each of the statements, I am committing to uphold each of these dispositions while working in the field and ensuring I hold myself accountable to these high standards while representing my school site and community beyond the confines of the school.
Looking back over the growth of my professional dispositions throughout my program, I can see that I have grown in the areas of being open to receiving feedback on my teaching and believing that teachers must use a variety of instructional strategies to enhance learning for all students. At the beginning of my program, I was very timid and unwilling to hear feedback on my performance in the classroom, feeling that this feedback meant I was doing wrong by my students as a teacher or that what I was doing was not good enough. Over the months and years, I have learned that it is okay to receive feedback on my teaching, that not everyone is perfect in their teaching, and that I should be devoted to constantly improving my skills throughout my career. When I first began, I had one set way of teaching my students. I would stick to the only instructional strategy I knew, which I now know does not optimize student learning and hinders the growth potential of many of the students I worked with. I now know that each student learns differently and that I should be devoted to ensuring each student's potential to learn is being met. Comparing the professional dispositions to the Model Code of Ethics (MCEE), both outline the importance of holding yourself responsible for the profession by leading ethically and honestly through all aspects of the profession. This includes being sensitive to the differing cultures, races, and learning needs of our students and the backgrounds each student comes from. In addition, both documents outline the responsibilities educators hold to their students to create a learning environment that promotes student flourishing and holds students to high standards. Although all of my professional dispositions are in the agree to strongly agree range, I will still be committed to the improvement of these dispositions by becoming a lifelong learner in the field and constantly seeking to improve feedback during my student teaching and future professional practice. One disposition I plan to improve upon is my willingness to receive feedback and be assessed on my teaching. Although I have improved since the beginning of my
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