Module 4 Research



SUNY Westchester Community College *

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Health Science


Apr 3, 2024





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HIT 150 Module 4 Research In class research Activity-Look up one of the above listed initiatives-what is the purpose of the initiative? Why was it created? What are the future plans regarding this initiative? Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN): Purpose: The NHIN aims to create a secure and interoperable health information infrastructure, allowing health information to be exchanged seamlessly across the United States. Creation: The NHIN was created to address the need for a standardized and secure way to share health information electronically among healthcare providers, public health agencies, and other relevant stakeholders. Future: Interoperability: The NHIN has sought to establish and promote interoperability standards and frameworks that enable seamless and secure health information exchange among healthcare providers, payers, public health entities, and patients. Secure Data Exchange: One of the primary goals is to ensure the secure and confidential exchange of health information across the healthcare ecosystem. This involves implementing robust security measures to protect patient data during transmission. Nationwide Coverage: The NHIN envisions creating a nationwide health information infrastructure, allowing healthcare organizations and entities across the United States to share relevant health information efficiently. Patient Empowerment: NHIN initiatives often include a focus on empowering patients by giving them better access to their health information. This may involve initiatives related to patient portals, allowing individuals to view and manage their own health records. Reducing Healthcare Disparities: There is an ongoing effort to leverage health information exchange to reduce healthcare disparities by ensuring that critical health information is accessible and available to all relevant stakeholders, regardless of geographic location or organizational affiliation.
Research-research the Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap and summarize the purpose if the roadmap in your own words. Include the goals between 2015-2024 and your thoughts on whether or not these initiatives will improve healthcare-why/why not? ï‚· Set up a strong foundation: Make sure the basic systems and standards for sharing health information are in place. ï‚· Improve how health information systems work together: Make it easier for different technologies to share health information seamlessly. ï‚· Get individuals and communities more involved: Help patients access their health information and contribute to their records. ï‚· Boost secure and smooth health information exchange nationwide: Encourage the safe and standardized sharing of health information between different healthcare organizations. ï‚· Support population health: Use health information technology to manage the health of groups of people and promote public health. ï‚· Create a supportive environment for businesses, clinics, and regulations: Make policies and incentives that encourage the use of systems that can share health information easily. If these goals are met, it could lead to better healthcare by making sure information is shared among healthcare providers, reducing unnecessary tests, improving communication, and ultimately helping people stay healthier. However, there are challenges like privacy concerns and technical issues that need to be worked out. The success of the plan depends on everyone involved in healthcare working together and sticking to it.
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