Unit 5 Quiz_ Introduction to Geology - GEL101_5000



Eastern Gateway Community College *

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Dec 6, 2023





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7/4/23, 8:21 AM Unit 5 Quiz: Introduction to Geology - GEL101_5000 https://egcc.instructure.com/courses/37801/quizzes/230321 1/7 Unit 5 Quiz Due Jul 9 at 10:59pm Points 29 Questions 29 Available after Jun 4 at 11pm Time Limit 35 Minutes Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 28 minutes 28 out of 29 Correct answers are hidden. Score for this quiz: 28 out of 29 Submitted Jul 4 at 8:20am This attempt took 28 minutes. Unit 5 Quiz will include material from "Layered Earth" (A2-1, A2-3), (B3-1 - B3-6), (D1-1), and G1-1 - G1-11) review questions, and from the unit's associated chapter(s) in the textbook. The quiz is open book, however, there will be a time limit, so review and be prepared for your quiz. 1 / 1 pts Question 1 All of the following represents the definition and composition of the layers of the Earth, except? The crust is the rigid solid layer that makes up the surface of the Earth The core is divided into two distinct zones, the inner core and is solid The mantle is a dense, how layer of flexible rock that makes up the most center part of the Earth The core is the center of the Earth, and is primarily made up of iron 1 / 1 pts Question 2 Which layer of the Earth is responsible for the Earth's magnetism? upper mantle lower mantle inner core outer core crust 1 / 1 pts Question 3 The intensity (strength) of Earth's magnetic field is the same across the globe. True False
7/4/23, 8:21 AM Unit 5 Quiz: Introduction to Geology - GEL101_5000 https://egcc.instructure.com/courses/37801/quizzes/230321 2/7 1 / 1 pts Question 4 Which area of the globe has the weakest magnitism? equator regions mid-latitudes south pole north pole 1 / 1 pts Question 5 The lithosphere consists of which layers? the upper mantle and lower mantle the crust and upper mantle crust and the mantle the lower mantle and the outer core 1 / 1 pts Question 6 Oceanic crust is the crust that underlies most of the world's oceans, it is fairly thin, is mainly composed of basalt, and is relativley young when compared to other areas. True False 1 / 1 pts Question 7 Continental Crust underlies the continents, contains a high level of granite, is less dense than oceanic crust, and will always ride over oceanic crust where the two meets. True False 1 / 1 pts Question 8 Which of the following elements makes up >87 percent of the Earth's crust? oxygen, potassium, calcium, sodium
7/4/23, 8:21 AM Unit 5 Quiz: Introduction to Geology - GEL101_5000 https://egcc.instructure.com/courses/37801/quizzes/230321 3/7 Iron, Aluminum, Silicon, Oxygen magnesium, potassium, Calcium, silicon Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Lead 1 / 1 pts Question 9 Scientists theorize that the Earth's internal heat comes from two main sources; residual heat and radioactive decay. True False 1 / 1 pts Question 10 The decay of potassium 40, uranium 238, and thorium 232 are responsible for heating the interior of the Earth through their slow radioactive decay. True False 1 / 1 pts Question 11 Which area in the U.S. has the highest level of Uranium in surface rocks. South-West South-East Mid-North 0 / 1 pts Question 12 Incorrect Incorrect The small amounts of Uranium f ound embedded in surface rocks and soils do not pose an elevated risk to humans. True False 1 / 1 pts Question 13 The theory of plate tectonics is based on the rigid plates that are constantly in motion. These plates are composed of oceanic and or continental crust, and the rigid upper part of the mantle, which together make up the lithosphere and these plates ride over the asthenosphere, a layer of flowing rock. True
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