ESL536 Topic 4 HomeandSchool



Grand Canyon University *

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Jan 9, 2024





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Home and School Connection Shavonne Diaz Grand Canyon University ESL 536 Professor Irish December 6, 2023 1
School-Wide Event Proposal Dear Principal, I am writing this proposal in regards to a school wide event that I would like to hold. The event is International Night. Families from different cultures would sign up to have a table in the large gym. Families will bring in different items to show students, clothing, books, food or even music. We have a very diverse school community and I think that it is important for us to celebrate all of our differences. Students should be proud of their cultures and they enjoy sharing what makes them special. Students will be able to learn more about different cultures as well as families and staff. By holding this event it will not only bring the students closer but also build a stronger relationship with our families and community. Agenda for Event /Materials Needed 4:30-5:00pm Set up 5:00pm-5:30pm Introduction to families and students 5:30-6:00pm Cultural Dancing 6:00-7:00pm Students and Families will visit the different table to learn more about their culture and taste test. 7:00pm Closing statement/clean up event For this event we will need the following materials: Tables/chairs CD Player/Wireless Speaker Familes will have the items that they are bringing in to share Cultural Connections 2
By having this event at school we can promote cultural competence in our students and families because they will be learning about different cultures. Learning about new cultures not only helps student better understand other perspectives and experiences, it can also help them learn about and appreciate their own culture. Connecting with peers from various backgrounds in meaningful ways enables students to make new friendships that can last a lifetime ( Bruno, n.d). We are always looking for intentional strategies for family and community engagement that will support and highlight the assets of home language,communication, family involvement, and culture to build family, community, and school paternership. Family engagement in schools contributes to positive student outcomes, including improved child and student achievement, decreased disciplinary issues, improved parent-teacher and teacher-student relationships, and improved school environment (, n.d). As you can see when we involve families and community memebers not only do they benefit but also the students, so by having this event we will be building those relationships. When we have this event it will also show that we are an inclusive school. When we foster inclusion and awareness, around multicultural education and taking a culturally responsive approach to teaching benefits all students. Not only does creating greater multicultural awareness and inclusion help students with different backgrounds and needs succeed, but it encourages acceptance and helps prepare students to thrive ini an expontentially divers world (Drexel University, n.d.). During this event students and families will get to see different perspectives through the different cultures. As you can see the cultural night event will be a huge success because not only the families,but students and staff will be able to learn more about the different backgrounds of our diverse school community. It is important for everyone to feel welcomed and understood, so 3
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